Internet, Networking & Communications  section


Last Updated: 29.05.2024

Internet and Email

The Lynx Text Browser for QDOS

At the time of setting up this page, QL internet access was in its infancy. You could access the web if you had:

  1. uQLx emulator with TCP/IP support
  2. soql from Jon Dent
  3. QPC2 version 3.30 or above with TCP/IP support via Windows.

At the time of writing, I'd just accessed the web for the first time with QPC2 v3.30 Beta 3 Hotfix. I have not tried the other 2 methods above. This version of QPC2 had not gone on general release, I was fortunate to have been one of the Beta testers. The browser I used was Lynx, ported to the QL by Jonathan Hudson. It's a text only browser and rather hard for first-timers to use. So in addition to the full version (which includes sources, documentation etc) I've put together a zip of how I set it up to work for me, since I had great problems getting it to even unzip (path names in from the author's website are too long for qdos or smsqe systems - filenames get truncated and overwrite each other when the truncated ones have the same names as existing files or others which get truncated to the same names. It's rather an extensive and painful a job renaming and setting it up, so I hope that "" will get you going and you can change the setup to suit your needs. Of course, it's the first time I've used it for real live web browsing, so I'm not familiar with it and expect users will find all sorts of errors in my setup, so corrections and ideas for improvements are welcome. At the moment, some parts of it point to my home page on simply because I know it works with my site (in fact it works with most QLers websites I've tried today - QPC2 even managed to download a registered update of QPC2 from the author Marcel Kilgus's website with this copy of Lynx!) and of course it's a recognisable QL-related URL which stands out from the examples supplied with Lynx, some of which no longer seem to work. QLynx (as Lynx for QDOS is known) has a facility to allow the QL UNGIF program to be used to view GIF files, but I haven't yet mastered how to set this up, so it probably doesn't work in this version.

As I get time, I'll post other internet related QL programs such as Jonathan Hudson's email and ftp programs here once I know these first ones work. Of course, you can always get them from Jonathan Hudson's website in the meantime!

Lynx 2.8.2 (2.4MB) - the full version, including sources etc. Will need Environment Variables and Signal Extensions, which are available from my Toolkits page if you haven't already got them. (483KB) - minimal runtime only version used on my system, works for me but you may need to adapt to your system, as I don't yet know enough about the program to be confident I've set it up correctly. This includes environment variables (env_bin) and Signal Extensions (sigext30_rext) needed for Lynx.

Please note: I've put this runtime version of Lynx up in good faith, I had real problems getting Lynx to work because it has a 'Linux' flavour and I barely know how to spell Linux let alone how to read Linux documents, make sense of the file system terminology and so forth. People like Marcel Kilgus, Duncan Neirthercut, Tim Swenson and others gave me invaluable help without which I'd probably have given up in frustration. If you can't get this to work, then it's obvious I haven't yet got it fully right, so let me know and I'll see if I can get any errors on my part in fixed to work on systems other than my own. If it works for you once QPC2 v3.30 and later versions go on general release I'll know it was worth the problems I went through! Also, could any soql or uQLx users let me know if this works for them too?

Hyperbrowser - Hyperbrowser v0.35, an xhtml browser demo version, with support for graphics viewing via Dave Westbury's Photon graphics viewer (see graphics page). (Tarquin Mills) (33KB) [10/1/05] - QLirc is a fairly basic IRC client for QL emulators with TCP/IP access capabilities. Originally written as a demo version by Tim Swenson (version 1 in the zip file), it was enhanced by Dilwyn Jones into a version 2 which allowed it, for example, to take part in IRC conversations with other QL users on QL Forum. It's written in Tim Swenson's Structured SuperBASIC, allowing it to be edited as numberless lines of BASIC and more with the enhanced capabilities of SSB. Please note that although version 2 of QLirc works well enough, it's incomplete (see section 8 of the manual for details of limitations - e.g. the IRC channel and password are hard-coded in the lines of BASIC, so you'll need to edit the source and recompile to adapt things to your requirement. Have fun with that). _SSB and _BAS sources supplied plus a compiled version included in the zip file.(93K) QMosaic v0.80, text only HTML reader for the QL. This version is SMSQ/E compatible (32K) (FTS Software) [15/1/05]

QL Socket - v1.05 C68 socket library, designed for use with uQLx TCP/IP etc (96KB) [10/1/05]

QDOS Email - Internet SMTP/Send POP3/Receive email for uQLx and QPC2 users with TCP/IP access facilities (J. Hudson) (102KB) [10/1/05]

QPOP3 PE/POP3 client for internet mail (J. Hudson) (115 KB) [10/1/05]

QL FTP - QL FTP client package v0.03 (J. Hudson) (104KB) [10/1/05] - Mime Tools is an implementation of MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. This package provides mmencode, metamail and mailto. (440KB) (J. Hudson) [10/1/05] - Janet. Notes on using JANET (Joint Academic Network), a network of interconnected local computer networks in United Kingdom Research Councils, Universities and Polytechnics. Note most of the information and Telephone numbers are over 25 years old, and may no longer be connected. Still of useful historical interest. (44K) [29/05/14] - QLink v1.556 A Canadian Communications package. (Harvey Taylor) (52K)


IPbasic - A SuperBASIC interface to the IP device driver as used in the UQLX, QPC2 and QemuLator emulators. It allows you to access the IP device driver system calls with a set of SuperBASIC procedures and functions. Includes source code and manuals (230K) (Martin Head) [18/09/16]

IP Network Device Driver - A device driver to re-enable the QL networking facilities of QPC2 using the built in IP device driver. It supports most of the features of the standard QL network including FSERVE and the NFS_USE device. All three packages contain the source code and user manuals in PDF, Word and RTF formats. (Martin Head) (167K) -IP Net driver v1.16. Note that version 1.10 combined what was previously known as the IPLocalNet into the same package. v1.14 adds support for sub-directories added to the end of NFS_USE devices. Also supports QPAC2 when using network servers. Adds a NET_VER$ function to return the program version number, or the currently set network type (internal or external). Fixes problems inherited from the original QL network driver with RENAME on file servers and NFS_USE devices. Fixes problems with RENAME via the IP Router program. Child FSERVE jobs now have a higher job priority in an effort to improve network speed. v1.15 allows the IP Network Driver to coexist with the NDQ68 QL Network driver on the Q68 via new config block to change driver device name. The config block also allows the IP Network driver to be reconfigured to operate with the UQLX/sQLux emulators. Version 1.16 fixes a problem on a remote stations. Causing corrupted data when using INPUT in certain circumstances on Nx channels. [30/04/24] (273K) - the manual for this software in .odt, .pdf and .rtf formats [05/12/23] (13K) - IPRouter v1.03. This is a program which sits between an IPNet network and an IPLocalNet network, allowing network stations on one network to access network stations on the other network. v1.03 adds FROUTER, a function version of the ROUTER command. Child router jobs now have a higher job priority in an effor to improve network speed. [03/10/18] (143K) - the manual for this software in .odt, .pdf and .rtf formats. [03/10/18]

NAServe - (149K) This is a Network Access Server for the Black Box QL. It performs a  similar function to FSERVE, but instead of allowing full access to all files and devices on the server. NAServe blocks access to devices and files, Unless they are specifically shared. There is also a facility to make files on the server 'read only'. It has been back ported from the IP Network Device driver. And includes some improvements to NFS_USE, and a function to return the Network station number. The Zip file contains NAServe itself, The source code, And a manual in Open Office & PDF formats. [21/01/18]

Martin Head has released some updates to the IP Network driver, IP Router and IP Basic software specially for use with uQLx 2017 and 2018 versions. (5K) (6K) (2K) (6K) (2K)

Fax Software Davide Santachiara's QFAX utilities, to simplify the use of QFAX. (65K) (Davide Santachiara) [05/11/06] Fax to postscript converter (79K) (J. Gilmor) [15/1/05] Group 3 fax to TIFF file conversion software (51K) (S. Leffler) [15/1/05] Fax Control v1.1. Pointer driven control software for QFAX, in German with Easyptr sources. (53K) (Peter Hubner) [05/11/06] A "front end" for QFax and Lfax. Needs pointer environment and Qlib_Run. (31K) (Graham Underwood) [05/11/06] Frequently Asked Questions in plain text format about Fax and fax software (23K) [15/1/05] LFAX is a Class 1 fax utility, which needs the QFAX package below (127K) (L. Wareham) [15/1/05] QL fax modem software version 2.89 (705K) (J. Hudson) [15/1/05] QFAX v2.89 source files. (417K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] Fonts for QFax. (156K) [05/11/06] QFM is a menu driven front end for the QFAX and LFAX packages above. QFM needs the QMenu menu_rext extensions (56K) (J. Hudson) [15/5/05] - QFront v1.0 A front end for QFAX - The QL fax program by Johnathan Hudson. Needs Pointer Interface. (Graham Underwood) (16K) - Sendfax v1.01 A simple front end for Qfax that takes a text file in the normal 'text2g3' style, but with a _FXT extension, builds a fax from the text file, and sends the resulting fax to the phone number specified. (Phil Borman) (7K) Send Text Fax v0.10 is an interface between QD and QFAX to send text files. (6K) (Davide Santachiara) [05/11/06]

Modem and Bulletin Board Software AnsiStrip v1.00 removes ANSI codes and unwanted carriage returns from QTPI log files. (3K) (Graham Underwood) [07/11/06]

atp142c.zipATP v1.42c off-line reader for QWK message packets. For PC based BBS, not suitable for use with QBOX BBS. (189K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] ATP v1.42 sources. (168K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] ATP v1.50c, newer version of ATP. (396K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] - Dial V1.14  Telephone directory for Terminal Emulators. (22K) PBOX fido mailing utilities (205K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] sources of the PBOX fido mailing utilities (48K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] File List v1.3 - utility to build a file holding a list of all downloadable files on the BBS. (12K) (Thierry Godefroy) [07/11/06] File requester and sender. (3K) (Derek Stewart) [07/11/06] Filessort is a program which sorts the FILES_BBS lists of a QBOX BBS system into alphabetical order. It also creates or updates a files FILES_TXT file for every file area on the system. BBS-users can view this file or download it. Both features make a search easier for a BBS-user, especially when an area fills up with files. (9K) (Marco Holmer) [07/11/06] - Filter100 v1.0  A utility program to filter out ANSI (VT100) screen command codesfrom the log files of the QUALSOFT Terminal program. Needs Toolkit II. (Gerard T. Phelan) (12K) - Frekker v1.80:   This Utility Enables You To Manage File Requests Under Qbox 119j. (80K) A 9 part series about using your QL with a modem (185K) (Bill Cable) [15/1/05] QL Kermit recompiled with C68 v4.13c. (73K) [07/11/06] Extensions for PBOX 1.07 to make up for the absence of a "history" device on non-SMSQ/E systems. (4K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] Mail 1.19j for use with QBOX 1.91l. (17K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] PBOX 1.21 mailer sources (451K) [07/11/06] - v1.0 QBOX Message and user list file cruncher. (1K) NETTOSS v1.60 - Auto SCANMAIL and QSCAN utility. (12K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] The PBOX bulletin board system (712K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] PBOX bulletin board v1.222 update - Y2K fixes etc. (112K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] The sources for the PBOX bulletin board software v1.21 (375K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] Pico-Emacs modified sources, for use with Pbox. (41K) (modified by Phil Borman) [07/11/06] Pico-Emacs VT100+ sources. (40K) (ported by Jonathan Hudson)) [07/11/06] QBOX messages processing and printing utilities. (15K) (Tony Firshman) [07/1/06] QBANN is a simple QBOX/QPOINT utility which performs the following two tasks: 1. Produces a last n week file list, and 2. Announce on specified Areas new files entered on the BBS. (21K) (Davide Santachiara) [07/11/06] QBOX bulletin board system v1.14 (113K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] QBOX bulletin board system v1.19l update - only includes files needed to update QBOX 1.19k. (104K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] QBOX bulletin board system v1.91m update. (88K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] - QCON Device Driver v0.99b The QCON Device Driver allows you to connect a standard RS-232 modem to the QL without the problems usually involved with the built-in serial ports, using the Tandata Qconnect module. (Jan Bredenbeek) (2K) - Add/remove QDOS file header to EXECable files after a QBBS file transfer. Needs Toolkit II. (1K) [16/05/14] QEM is a QL terminal emulator v4.23 non-pointered. (202K) (J. Hudson) [15/1/05] QEM is a QL terminal emulator v4.25 non-pointered. (188K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] A program for handling session log files from QBBS (9K) (E. Iredale) [15/1/05] v1.07 update files of LazyTick below. (39K) (Marco Holmer) [07/11/06] LazyTick is a simple file mailer (a program that receives files and .TIC files from other systems and send them to downlinks) for a QBOX BBS-system environment. This version suits QBOX 1.19. Posting a file announcement in the message base is implemented. (37K) (Marco Holmer) [07/11/06] QL BBS Message Reader - Freeware Off-line message reader for different BBS formats. SupportsCompuserve (native), QBOX and Internet/Usenet formats (with included filters). Includes sorting and tree navigation. (138K) (James Hunkins) [07/11/06] QL Terminal v2.32, a small terminal program for QL systems. (28K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [16/1/06] QL Terminal v2.35 update (31K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [06/12/16] - Qterm v1.18: Another terminal program. X-modem, possibly Y-modem and VT100 emulation. Written in assembler and rommable - thanks to Peter Sulzer for the information.  (Matthias Leidig) (32K) QMEBM is a simple QBOX/QPOINT utility which performs the following two tasks: - Deletes QBOX message areas which exceeds a certain number of messages - Optionally allows you to save deleted messages onto specified _TXT files - Optionally maintains correct message base on QPoint (23K) (Davide Santachiara) [07/11/06] Demonstration version of QPoint, a BBS utility (9K) (Erik Slagter) [15/1/05] Version 2.01 of the QPoint FidoNet point software, under pointer environment. (157K) (Erik Slagter) [07/11/06] QBOX QFAX filter v0.3a, with fax announcing into a QBOX message area. (37K) (Davide Santachiara) [07/11/06] NetMail messages routing utility. v1.03. (12K) (Erik Slagter) [07/11/06] "QSPIL" Hayes MODEM driver for QBOX 1.19l, version 1.00 gamma 2. (53K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] Modified QSPIL for QBOX and LFAX. (14K) (Lester Wareham) [07/11/06] QBOX to PBOX bulletin board system file conversion utilities. (14K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] QTPI Pointer driven QL terminal program. (421K) (J. Hudson) [15/1/05] In order to be able to write messages with accented characters onto QL BBSes, just append this file contents into your own QTPIkeys_dat file. (1K) (Thierry Godefroy) [07/11/06] A utility to check the integrity of the QTPI phone book. (16K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] Quintessential Voice Mail program, with Y2K fixes (258K) (J. Hudson) [15/1/05] QVM "vox" files. (405K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] QWK packets support (messages uploading/downloading) for PBOX bulletin board system. (59K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] sources for QWK door for PBOX 1.21. (45K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] The Reader 1.40 QWK off-line reader under PE (202K) (Beginners Club) [15/1/05] Rebuilds message chain after the TOSS. (5K) (Tiago Freitas Leal) [07/11/06] Remote Shell for taking full control of your computer through the phone line when you are away - now PBOX compatible. (29K) (Thierry Godefroy) [07/11/06] RZ SZ source v3.40, C source code for a Z-modem protocol (69K) [15/1/05] ScanMail v1.01b is an EchoMail message routing utility. (7K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] - SeaLink v3.47 Fixes send file name bug in SeaLink library as used in QTPI. (Jonathan Hudson) (14K) Echomail utility. SEENBY is a utility to add and/or delete nodes to/from the SEEN-BY list of messages in an echomail area. (3K) (Jan Bredenbeek) [07/11/06] - Pop-up utilities for QL Terminal. Setdate, enables dates to be set after booting up. Kalender, a pop-up calendar that works in MODE 8 without losing the Prestel screen. Needs Toolkit II and the HOTkey system. (Howard Stanbury) (15K) For changing the last Sent Message pointer for ScanMail. (1K) (07/11/06] A Simple MailBox program v1.02 (mail, upload, download, shell). SMBX provides QDOS with simple messaging and file-transfer capabilities for incoming data calls. It is targetted at:- Those who may want such facilities on an occasional basis. Those who are part of a small team engaged on a shared project. Those that wish to access their own computer from a remote site. SMBX is not intended to be a bulletin board system, and has no mechanism to communicate with other systems for the automatic networked transfer of messages or data. (138K) (Dave Woodman) [07/11/06] Utilities for use with SMBX above. (66K) (Dave Woodman) [07/11/06] Stats v1.32 for the QBOX BBS system. Displays user statistics when logging off a QBOX BBS. (70K) (Bob Weeks) [07/11/06] - Packet Terminal. This Packet terminal program for the QL, was written for use with the TNC 2 type Terminal Node Controller, and will only work correctly with a TNC with the RXBLOCK Command! Needs the QL52 Terminal program (67K) to function fully. (P.M.Hounslow & M.J.Tribe) (27K) TickToss puts received files into a suitable area. This program will move a file in the inbound directory of QBOX, that has an attached file with a '.TIC' extension to the appropriate file area and update the files_bbs and infoxx_bbs file of QBOX. (26K) (Derek Stewart) [07/11/06] Tidytic - a small program to remove .TIC files in the Qbox outbound directory when they are no longer needed. (5K) (Phil Borman) [07/11/06] Information about the UK QL serial ports (7K) (H. P. Recktenwald) [15/1/05] ASCII/Binary file conversion utilities for use with ASCII only mailboxes. (29K) [07/11/06] - View and change QBBS viewdata parameters. (1K) [16/05/14] - VT100 / TEK 4010 Emulator V2.2  Makes the QL emulate a DEC Vt100 computer terminal for a VAX or a PDP system. Includes Assembler source code. (Rainer Kowallik) (25K) 7Plus v2.03 is an improved UUencode/UUdecode style utility. (35K) (Axel Bauda) [07/11/06] Convert Mac BinHex files to components for use on QL (57K) [15/1/05] QeM XPR v3.20 protocols. (99K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] Sources for "xprdrv" interface. (17K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] XPR protocols library v3.51 for use with QTPI (93K) (J. Hudson) [15/1/05]

ymqes.zipYet More QTPI Example Scripts. Needs CSM (Client Server Manager) software. (16K) (Jonathan Hudson) [07/11/06] XPR Z-Modem v3.50 (22K) [15/1/05]

Italian Preservation Project and Sinclair Retro BBS

Simone Voltolini has been preserving original QL software and amassed an incredible number of preserved microdrive cartridges. The Sinclair QL Italian preservation project is at:

where there are all the links on a Youtube channel, the Betacollectors site with all the stuff, the BBS and the LIST of the QL preserved stuff.

The Sinclair BBS with over 250 users (as early 2017)  is linked as a 'http' link here:

But is better reachable via Telnet and Tera Term application (I suggest how to use it in the preservation page).

The BBS has many features like:

a) Linux applications operable via Sinclair Machines (Calendar, Calculator, network analyzer, the ARPANET)

b) such FXnet newsgroups, Usenet (with the legendary COMP.SYS.SINCLAIR) and active Retronet for messages both in reception and sending customized per user

c) Inter chat that allows you to connect all of the Mystic BBS group and chat with them as well as see which users of each BBS is connected or not to the system in real time

d) text-based Web browser that allows your to be able to surf the internet Retro Machines

e) Electronic Mail: dedicated box BBS connected with Italian and English Mailing list Sinclair with the possibility of user response with the BBS

f) IRC finally available and connected directly to QLFORUM English channel

g) Feeds associated with Italian ML and our project Preservation QL

h) over 32,000 files available for our beloved (for still being tested right now, are not enabled downloads for copyright reasons and material selection)

You can connect with the Linux terminal or Mac via telnet or via the web directly clicking the above link.

With Windows, you can download TeraTerm which is a great free terminal and log on by typing the address and selecting the standard Telnet port 23 connection.

For connecting to it directly via a Sinclair machine please watch this video here (in Italian for now):
New features coming: weather, moon phase, games and much more (updating uploads too).

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