QL ROM Versions

QL ROM chips  

Updated: 13.11.24

QL ROMs | Disassemblies | Minerva Utilities | EPROM Utilities | Qubide | 2nd Processor | QL Printer | CST Q+4 | Assorted ROM Images

A collection of of the QL ROM. Some are original Sinclair versions, others are privately produced versions. The Sinclair ROMs AH, JM, JS, MG and TB have been released for use in Europe, although rights to these are held by Paul Holmgren and Frank Davis for North America and permission should be sought from them before downloading them in or for use in North America. Click here to send an email to them. The Minerva ROMs are OK to use with emulators etc worldwide.

ROM Version QDOS Version Download size Description
PM 1.02 33K Sinclair PM ROM [14/08/16]
AH 1.02 33K Sinclair AH ROM [5/3/03]
JM 1.03 33K Sinclair JM ROM [5/3/03]
JS 1.10 35K Sinclair JS ROM [5/3/03]
JSU 1u10 35K Sinclair USA JS ROM [5/3/03]
JS-4M 1.10 35K Sinclair JS ROM, patched for 4MB RAM [5/3/03]
MG 1.13 35K British MG ROM with custom key layout [5/3/03]
Custom Swedish ROM by the Swedish importer Beckman.  A couple of pictures of the ROM found in two separate QLs below.
mgdrom.zip 1.13 35K Danish MG ROM [04/09/07]
MGE 1E13 35K Spanish MG ROM version [5/3/03]
MGF 1F13 35K French QL ROM (thanks to Urs König)
MGG 1G13 35K Another German ROM version [5/3/03]
MGI 1I13 35K Italian MG ROM version [5/3/03]
1S13, 1S15, 2S00
Swedish QL ROMs V1.13, 1.15 and 2.00 [24/06/21]
MGUK 1Ʃ13 36K John Alexander updated MG ROM with added commands [5/3/03]
1Ʃ13 64K
A 64K USA adaptation of the MG ROM from Tom Bent. A rare ROM, recently salvaged by Paul Holmgren and Carl Miles, submitted by Timothy Swenson. A few notes in this text file.
MGX 2F00 48K Custom personal version of MGF ROM, patched to be able to use the second screen, and both QWERTY (English) and AZERTY (French) keyboard versions in alternate versions of the upper 16Kbanks [06/04/16]
MGY 1Y13 35K MG ROM for Finland [11/10/10]
MF 1.14 36K A German ROM, developed from the MG ROM but with bug fixes and speed improvments (Martin Berndt) [5/3/03]
MF-en.zip 1.14 35K English version of the MF ROM above [7/5/14]
Minerva 1.61 1.61 37K Very early version of Minerva ROM [5/3/03]
Minerva 1.63 1.63 37K Slightly later version of Minerva ROM [5/3/03]
Minerva 1.64 1.64 37K Slightly later version of Minerva ROM [5/3/03]
Minerva 1.66 1.66 37K Slightly later version of Minerva ROM [5/3/03]
Minerva 1.89 1.89 38K Version of Minerva released for use with QL emulators, also freely distributable in North America for use with emulators. [5/3/03]
Minerva 1.97 1.97 39K Minerva mk1 version 1.97
Minerva 1.98 1.98 39K More recent version of Minerva Mk1, also freely distributable [10/05/04]
Minerva 1.98 for QemuLator 1.98 39K A version of Minerva 1.98 with the length rounded up to exactly 48K to work with QemuLator (thanks to Derek Stewart for this) [15/02/16]
Minerva 1.98 I/O fix 1.98 78K A version of Minerva 1.98 patched by Marcel Kilgus to fix an I/O bug whereby using LBYTES to load a file from the QL network could crash the QL. Includes both English and German versions of the ROM image.
TB 1.03 34K Intermediate Sinclair QL ROM, between JM and JS [5/3/03]
Thor 8 - 410 ? 21K Thor 8 ROM v4.10 - * see below
Thor 8 - 421 ? 22K Thor 8 ROM v4.21 - * see below
thor_4_22.zip ? 22K Thor 8 ROM v4.22
v5.22 ROM images from Thor 20 (tool ROMs should work for Thor 8 too).
Thor 21 - 522 ? 22K Thor 21 ROM v5.22 - * see below
Thor 21 - MG 1.13 35K Thor 21 MG ROM. CST patched forsion of the Sinclair MGx ROM, which CST named MG. A 48K binary which goes into a single 2512 EPROM to be placed on the CPU board of the Thor 21.
Thor 630 1.13 61K Thor v6.30 ROM [08/10/06]
Thor 634 1.13 58K Thor v6.34 ROM [5/3/03]
Thor 636 1.13 59K Thor v6.36 ROM [5/3/03]
thor639.zip ? 57K Thor v6.39 ROM [08/10/06]
Thor 641 ? 58K Thor v6.41 ROM [08/10/06]
Thor 637 1.13 72K Thor v6.37 Argos OS, modified for use with pointer environment. Suitable for international 84-key and French 102-key keyboards. (Thierry Godefroy) [08/10/06]
argosqubide.zip 1.13 72K Same as Argos 637mod above, but with further modifications allowing use of Qubide on Thor XVI - the Thor's own WIN driver is disabled (Thierry Godefroy) [08/10/06]
lngpatch.zip n/a 2K A patch to allow the use of the Lightning screen accelerator software along with pointer environment on Thor XVI (Thierry Godefroy) [08/10/06]
ptrthr.zip n/a 11K Modified pointer environment file ptr_gen v1.69 for use with Thor XVI mouse driver. (Thierry Godefroy) [08/10/06]
Tyche 2.05 47K Last unreleased Sinclair OS for QDOS hardware. A 64K ROM which is interesting but not very compatible with 48K QL ROMs, containing the copyright message '(C) 1985 Sirius Cybernetics'. VER$ is "TY05" [5/3/03]
Ultra-MG 1.14 35K Ultrasoft release of MG ROM, with some bug fixes. Expects a German keymap. [5/3/03]
Greek ROM 1Σ13 (1 Sigma 13) 36K Greek ROM, Version ΣFP (N.B. SigmaFP in case my HTML fails)
AZERTY ROM Use with AH/JM/JS ROMs 16K AZERTY Pyramide ROM Version 2.4, Copyright 7/85 by P. Godenne. Allows AH, JM, and JS
ROMs to support the AZERTY layout - this is now freeware.
Manual PDF file (1.8MB)
Key stickers PDF file (1.9MB)

* note from Urs König, re. Thor8-410, Thor 8-421 and Thor21-522 above: "Those 3 are the same software (Drivers and Toolkit not the OS, similar to what’s on a TrumpCard or a SQB) in different versions. They all go into a single 27256 EPROM to be placed in the Thor 8 or Thor 21 EPROM board (see this picture, EPROM with label 4.21).

ROM versions prior to JS (e.g. AH, TB, JM) were early Sinclair ROMs. They are perfectly usable and many people still have AH or JM ROM QL systems. Version JS introduced several new features such as WHEN ERROR error trapping, WHEN variable value monitoring, and TRA translate features. JSU was a version of the QL ROM for North America. With the MG ROM came several international versions such as MGF for France, MGI for Italy and so on. Over the years, there have been some derivatives made, such as the 4MB version of the JS ROM, and John Alexander's MGUK ROM. The CST Thor computers used a derivative of QDOS called Argos as their operating systems. Later, the Minerva ROM was created by a small team at QView (Jonathan, Stuart and Laurence, hence the "JSL1" version of SuperBASIC). It's not really known for certain how the two-letter Sinclair ROM versions came to being, one theory had it that they were initials of Sinclair staff (e.g. JM may have been the initials of John Mathieson) or even taxi drivers who ferried QL bits and pieces around for Sinclair!


QDOS version 1Y13, SuperBASIC version MGB. Seems to be a Swedish customisation of the MG ROM, produced by a Swedish importer of QLs called Beckman Innovation AB in 1985. The lower 32K seems identical to a Sinclair MG ROM, while the upper 16K has a custom Swedish translation of the QL messages, and a keyboard table for the Swedish keyboard layout. The upper 16K was supplied in a 16K EPROM along with a Sinclair ROM. I am not certain of the copyright status of the MGB ROM - maybe if someone is in contact with anyone from Beckman, we could try to find out, or remove the ROM image if still subject to copyright. Here are a couple of pictures of two different installations, the first from Pär Högberg, the other from a user on QL Forum, with thanks. One installation has an EPROM with handwritten label, mounted on a small circuit board, while the other has a more professional looking label, mounted in what looks like the original ROM holder, but with a few flying leads around the EPROM. Click on the images to see a larger photo.

Picture of an MGB ROM  Picture of Beckman MGB ROM

Tyche ROM

A bit of a novelty is the Tyche ROM (apparently pronounced "tie-chee"), a final and unreleased 64K ROM for QL hardware, available in the table above. Phoebus Dokos tells me that although he couldn't get this to work with the QemuLator QL emulator, he did manage to get it working with the QLay emulator. The QLay.rc file should look like this:

-r c:\roms\tyche-tra.rom
-c FC000@nfa.rom
-l win1@qlay.dir
-l win2@sub2\qlay.dir
-l mdv1@qlay.mdv
-f 11538.46

Replace the -f with the appropriate one for your machine, says Phoebus (sorry, not being a QLay user I don't have a clue what all this means!)

Dave Westbury has sent me a ROM listing and made some notes on new commands, etc in the Tyche ROM.
tycheasm.zip (134K)

ROM Bugs

If you have access to back issues of QL World magazine or to the QL Documentation CD, Simon Goodwin wrote some very interesting articles about ROM bugs and the differences between ROM versions.

Disassemblies & Sources

JS ROM Disassembly A commented disassembly of Sinclair's JS ROM (Richard Zidlicky) (100K) [08/10/06]

JM ROM Disassembly A commented disassembly of the Sinclair JM ROM. Supplied as a separately zipped 2 disk set. (Caroline A Mathieson) [08/10/06]
Download disk 1 (122K)
Download disk 2 (101K)

Argos 4.00 Disassembly  A disassembly of the CST Thor operating system ROM v4.00 from Liam, a Thor user on QL Forum.
cst_thor_400_eprom.bin.txt.zip (115K)


Minerva 1.98 sources The sources for the Minerva ROM, version 1.98. Please note Laurence Reeves's copyright (1K, plain text file) and GNU general public license (18K, plain text file). The Minerva 1.98 binary ROM image may be downloaded from the above table. (Laurence Reeves) (431K) [08/10/06]
Per Witte has kindly made available a 'HowTo' text file detailing how to reassemble the Minerva sources for those interested in doing so. Download it here as a plain text file (4K), or here as a PDF file (221K), or here as a Word .docx file (16K)

Minerva versions - (11K) a set of notes about Minerva versions as a plain text file from Laurence Reeves.
MT.EXTOP (2K) - notes from Laurence Reeves about the MT.EXTOP - call supervisor mode routine (plain text file)
software_reset.txt (1K) - some notes of the software reset extend supervisor stack extended system call. (plain text file)

Minerva manual is available from the Replacement Manuals page.

SMSQ/E is, of course, the operating system for QL and compatible computers. SMSQ/E binaries and sources are available from the website of SMSQ/E Registrar Wolfgang Lenerz, for those interested in the development of the operating system.

Super Gold Card Boot Sequence - Marcel Kilgus has written an article on his website about the Gold and Super Gold Card boot sequence and other aspects of the ROM for these expansion cards. Read the article on Marcel's blog at https://www.kilgus.net/2018/11/14/supergoldcard-boot-sequence/

Minerva Utilities

Current extensions files and documents for the Minerva ROM, as supplied on the utilities disk which accompanies Minerva.
MiniConfig program (3K) - a SuperBasic program to configure Minerva Mkii (e.g. the real time clock)
i2c_io.zip (1K) - Current I2C I/O extensions.
Minerva 1.98 utilities disk - should be usable on all versions, thanks to Derek Stewart for tidying this up. (288K) [08/02/22]
updates.zip (13K) - Current updates_doc file.
versions.zip (6K) - List of updates in various Minerva ROM versions.
setdate.zip (12K) - For Super Gold Card users to read Minerva Mkii date and set clock. BASIC and compiled versions.
british.zip (4K) - extensions to revert to British keyboard.
storei2c.zip (2K) - Phil Borman's utility to set Qubide hard disk parameters in Mkii I2C RAM.
Minerva_RTC_Config.zip - Miniconfig2. MINICONFIG2 is a total rewrite of MINICONFIG_obj supplied on your MINERVA TECHNICAL GUIDE disc. It allows you to change the clock, and all the defaults etc, stored in the battery backed RAM (BBR) on MINERVA MK2. Needs Toolkit II and the Pointer Interface. (Jerremy Davis) (32K)

Minerva Hint - Faster Loading (from Silvester on QL Forum)

There has been a long-standing problem with Minerva >v1.93 using FLP on non-Gold machines. The reintroduction of the IPC interrupt can add enough overhead to upset disk sector interleave. The solution was simple enough, use POKE!!53,128 in boot files to disable it (restored using POKE!!53,192 or upon reset). It can make a considerable difference to the time taken to load large files!

EPROM Utilities

mageprom.zip Magnetic Eprom is a program to convert a 16K QL EPROM image into a version you can LRESPR to run from RAM (Jeremy Davis) (23K) [08/10/06]

softeprom.zip SoftEprom v1.10 relocates EPROMs from the QL EPROM slot to file, allowing you to save backup copies and in some cases (relocatable ROMs) run more than one EPROM copy. (Emmanuel Verbeeck) (8K) [08/10/06]


Several ROM images for the Qubide IDE hard disk interface - different versions of the Qubide ROM had varying map layouts for the hard disks, etc (v1.50 includes a program on the utilities disk to update the drive map), so I've tried to put some of the main "vintages" here. Note that to upgrade a v1.mm Qubide to v2.nn, the GAL1 and GAL2 chips also need to be updated.

qub136rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.36 (9K)
qub137rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.37 (9K)
qub139rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.39 (10K)
qub141rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.41 (10K)
qub150rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.50 (10K) and Utilities disk (50K)
qub153.zip Utilities disk for Qubide v1.53 (201K)
qub156rom.zip Qubide ROM image v1.56 (10K) and Utilities Disk (54K)
qub201rom.zip Qubide ROM image v2.01 (11K) and Utilities Disk (189K)
qub202rom.zip Qubide ROM image v2.02 (11K)

store.zip. Store is a utility to to store a Qubide drive's parameters into SuperHermes permanent memory. This allows you to bypass the startup delays on Qubide hard disk systems, by avoiding the startup drive tests. Works wirth Qubide 1.41 or later only. (Phil Borman) (11K) [12/10/06]

qubide-gpl.zip. Derek Stewart has kindly sent me a copy of the Qubide 2 sources, which Phil Borman and Ron Dunnett have released for free distribution via GPL Licence. (337K)

Qubide manuals are available from my Replacement Manuals page.

MonQubIDE - a BASIC program for monitoring at low level  the Qubide cards and devices attached. No docs, but it's menu driven and easy to use. Commands available include Change Devices Position (expander); Software Reset Devices (both); Execute Devices Diagnostic (both); Select Master/Slave device; Identify Device (ATA/ATAPI); Write Device Control Register; Write Command Block Registers; Write Command Register; Read Sector (ATA only). Some of these commands should only really be used if you know what you are doing with such devices at this level! (Alain Haoui) (5K) [09/12/16]

José Leandro has produced a Qubide clone. He has a website about it here (Spanish) or here (English). Habi's Windows software "Image Editor" is available from the same page - this allows us to handle zip, image and individual files on a Qubide's flash memory card on a Windows PC (or Linux system with Wine). In case of difficulty, the software is also available to download here (4106K)

QubATA Software

This is the ultimate QubATA driver package Version 3.11 for various QL platforms with IDE/ATA/ATAPI controller, namely : QubIDE card, QubIDE clones, Tetroid TDI interface and Qx0 systems. For each platform, the driver is provided in RAM and ROM binary format. This version benefits from some improvements, bug fixes, new features and new commands as well as a complete assembly programming interface.It remains compatible with previous QubATA versions and could be used with already existing formatted disks and medias. Package includes an updated Manual in PDF format and some utilities. Refer to ReleaseNotes_txt file for details. (Alain Haoui) [12/11/24]
QubATA311.zip (1.1 MB)

For posterity and in case of any issues arising with the latest version above, I'll keep v3.10 here for now. This is a complete new driver for QUBIDE cards fitted with the version 2 GAL chip upgrade and Q40/Q60. This is version 3.10 and now includes versions for Qubide, clones and Qx0 in one zip file. Make sure you read the PDF and text files included. The CDExplorer and CDPlayer programs are also included. (Alain Haoui) [11/05/17]
QubATA310.zip (912K)

Problems Saving From Quill To Qubide On Level 2 Systems

Some users have reported difficulty in saving Quill _doc files to a Qubide system. The symptons include a _doc file of 0 or 64 byte length with no text. Qubide v1.xx does not even report an error (QubATA does, so at least the user is aware there is an error). The problem is due to fact that Quill grabs all memory which doesn't allow the WIN driver to save or load correctly doc files. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved by the driver (only reported) because any level 2 driver has at least to load directory record in memory to be able to handle file access. It may work on level 1 driver (as RAM or native FLP). To fix the problem, we need to use one of the known methods to prevent Quill grabbing all the available memory, e.g. EXEP Quill,p,256 to allow Quill 256K memory under pointer environment, or something like Simon Goodwin's Taskforce program, or Martin Head's Psion_Mod, which allows you to limit memory used by Quill as long as you have the Toolkit 2 command EX available to pass the memory size to it as an option command parameter (Toolkit 2 available here). Alain Haoui has sent me a copy of his modified Quill - download it here (37K)

Alain Haoui has sent me a package of ready modified English Psion 2.30 programs (Quill, Archive, Abacus and Easel). These allow youto set memory they can use and have a cursor for task-switching more easily. Configured to run from FLP1_ and data on FLP2_. Please note that these modified versions can’t be (re)configured with the original PSION utility as it will not be able to find items on expected offset addresses. Refer to Martin Head's Psion_Mod package mentioned above for more info. However, all configuration items can be passed as parameters to Mods. Look at Martin Head PSIONMOD_DOC inside this package for instructions. All this needs Toolkit 2 activated.
psionmod_ready.zip (196K)

Second Processor

ipc8049.zip A commented disassembly (as a Quill _DOC file) of the IPC8049 second processor chip software in the QL. (Laurence Reeves) [08/10/06]

Sinclair QL Printer ROM

Urs König has kindly supplied me with a ROM image of the firmware from the QL printer. The original QL printer was based on a Seikosha SP-1000 / SP-800QL circuit board (see pictures below, also from Urs).

The Sinclair QL Printer Sinclair QL PrinterSinclair QL Printer's printed circuit board

Download QL Printer ROM Image (11K) [15/02/13]

The QL Printer manual is available to download from the Replacement Manuals page.

Picture of CST Q+4 unitCST Q+4 Rom Image

The CST Q+4 is a four way expansion backplane for the QL, consisting of a large black metal case which sits under the QL, a QL-style power supply and a small circuit board which plugs into the QL expansion port, connected to the Q+4 by a small ribbon cable. The device includes a small EPROM with startup software for the Q+4 and to help ensure the unit works with multiple add-on boards on early QL systems.

Download Q+4 ROM image (8K) [22/02/14]

Assorted ROM Images

A preserved collection of disk interface ROM images, etc. Partly for posterity (at the time of writing the QL is 30 years old, so many of these risk disappearing altogether if we don't make the effort preserve them for the future), partly for repair of secondhand disk interfaces. I have no information about these ROMs and don't know if any of them only work on specific versons of the interface hardware, for example. All remain the copyright material of those who created them as per the copyright messages held within most ROM images.
CST_QDisc_Controller_v1.13_1984.ROM.zip (7K) CST QDisk ROM v1.13
CST_QDisc_Controller_v1.16_1984.ROM.zip (7K) CST QDisk ROM v1.16
cstqdisc118.zip (12K) CST QDisk ROM v1.18
Qdisc3_utilities.zip - (11K) v3.0 of the utilities disc supplied with the CST Qdisc interface. Includes MDV to FLP convert, a file editor and a disc editor, plus ramdisc software.
Cumana114.zip (8K) V1.14 of the Cumana disk interface ROM
Cumana116.zip (9K) V1.16 of the Cumana disk interface ROM
goldcard228.zip (31K) V2.28 of Gold Card ROM
GoldCard_v2.32.zip (31K) V2.32 of Gold Card ROM
iclopdroms.zip (179K) ROM images from the QL's cousin the OPD systems. 4 ROMs and 5 for the Psion Xchange software. Includes a short README.TXT
Kempston_Disk_System_v1.14_1984.ROM.zip (7K) v1.14 of Kempston disk interface ROM
centronics_interface_ROM.dat (16K) v1.03 ROM image from Kempston Centronics Interface.
MCSdiskroms.zip (12K) v1.3c and 1.7a. The MCS QL disk interface was made by Micro Control Systems.
Medic_Disk_Upgrade_v1.18a%20_1984.zip (6K) - v1.18a of an upgrade ROM for the Medic disk interfaces.
MicroP_Disk_System_v5.3E_1985.ROM.zip (5K) v5.3E of MicroPeripherals disk interface ROM.
MicroP1v23TT.zip (7K) Eprom image from Micro Peripherals FLP interface v1.23 updated by Tony Tebby, as installed in interfaces supplied by Dennis Briggs. Standardised device name to FLP (rather than FDK), DIP switches no longer read. (Device was 8K eprom type 2764).
QFLP ROM for MicroP Manual.pdf (7MB) - scanned user guide for the QFLP upgrade for Micro Peripherals disc interface. Manual is actually from the v1.19 ROM, shouldn't be much difference between them I hope.
Microtec_Disc_Interface_113.zip (7K) v1.13 ROM of the Micro-tec (Greek) disc interface system, thanks to user nikosdoykas on QL Forum for preserving the ROM image.
Miraculous_Winny_v2.02_1989_QJUMP.ROM.zip (6K) v2.02 of Miracle Hard Disk ROM
OPD_BASIC_MASTER_1984.zip (27K)
PCML_DiskRAM_System_V1.14_1984.ROM.zip (10K) v1.14 of PCML disk interface ROM
qep3v108.zip (14K) - v1.08 ROM image of QEPIII Eprom Programmer for QL.
sandysuperdisk_116AG.zip (9K) v1.16AG of Sandy SuperDisk ROM
sandysuperqboard_119N.zip (19K) v1.19 of Sandy SuperQBoard ROM
Sandy_Disk_Controller_v1.21N_1984_TK2.ROM.zip (19K) v1.21N of Sandy Disk Controller ROM
SuperMouse_110.zip (200K) v1.10 of the utilities disk supplied with the SuperQBoard version with mouse interface.
qram.pdf (696K) - PDF manual for a version of QRAM on the SuperMouse utilities disk. Thanks to Ralf Reköndt for this.
SGCandGC249.zip (35K) v2.49 of Gold and Super Gold Card ROM
TRL114.zip (6K) - v1.14 of the ROM from the Technology Research Ltd Delta 128 128K/FLP/PAR interface.
tr_utilities_disk.zip (1.1K) - utilities disk software from Technology Research Delta 128 disk interface
Trump_Card1v21A_256_bin.zip (24K) v1.21A of Trump Card ROM, from a 256K Trump Card.
tc121b_tk213.zip (24K) v1.21B of Trump Card ROM, with Toolkit 2 v2.13.
Trumpcard-125.zip (24K) v1.25 of Trump Card ROM
trumpcard127.zip (24K) v1.27 of Trump Card ROM
Trump_Card_V1_28.zip (24K) v1.28 of Trump Card ROM
trumpcard131.zip (24K) v1.31 of Trump Card ROM
Trump_Card_ROM_v136.zip (24K) v1.36 of Trump Card ROM, with Toolkit 2 v2.26, thanks to Massimo Raffaele for this, who has asked me to include the following short text file describing how he managed to capture a copy of the ROM image - Miracle Systems expansion cards often have system ROMs at non-standard addresses, since they provide additional RAM using the addressing space normally reserved for expansion card memory, so you have to work out where and how to capture the ROM image from memory. Click on trump.txt to read his notes.
tc137.zip (25K) v1.37 of Trump Card ROM with Toolkit 2 v2.26, thanks to Urs König for this. The Toolkit 2 part is available separately with a BOOT loader allowing to be run from RAM, it's on the Pointer Environment & Toolkit 2 page.
Trump Card 2.00 ROM (32K) - from a QUBBEsoft Trump Card. Seems to have a MAKE_DIR command, implying it has a level 2 filing system, and Toolkit 2 v2.26. Don't know if this is compatible with older Miracle Systems Trump Cards or not.
TrumpCard_2v17c__TK223.zip (24K) v2.17c firmware for Trump Card. With Toolkit 2 v2.23. Works with level 2 directories. Thanks to Detlef Obermann for this.
TC217cTK226.zip (24K) - v2.17c firmware for Trump Card, updated to include Toolkit 2 v2.26. Thanks to David Westbury for this.
TC218.zip (24K) - v2.18 of Trump Card ROM. Upon a RES_128 it now doesn't add anything, this allows 128K only MDV programs to run on machines which also expect JS rom. It just shows banner/memory and returns with no FLP/TK2 etc. (David Westbury) [11/06/17]
tc219.zip (24K) - v2.19 of the Trump Card ROM, which addresses an issue with the microdrive imaging (e.g. FORMAT ram1_mdv1 command) in the previous version.

MiracleHDUpdate_v2_07s.zip - Hard Drive Update v2.07s An update to the Miracle Hard Disk Drive. (6K)

THarmanSerBoardUG_v0_05.zip - COM driver update v0.05 Upgrade for Terry Harman's serial board. (1K)

MESS_QL_Romset.zip (281K) - A set of QL and disk interface ROM images for the MESS QL emulator, from Phill Harvey-Smith, to help you get the QL chipsets required for this emulator. Includes versions of Sandy SuperDisk (disk interface) ROM, Trumpcard, Tyche, JS and Minerva plus a couple of other chips. The philosophy behind the MESS QL emulator is that roms should be unmodified, so they are direct images of the ROMS and can be burned back to eprom and used on real hardware if required.

A few more interface ROMs and ATR device ROMs may be found on Marcel Kilgus's site here.

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