Beginner’s Guide



























































By Roy Atherton (Bulmershe College Computer Centre)




Chapter 1 - Starting Computing

Self Test On Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Instructing The Computer

Self Test On Chapter 2

Problems On Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Drawing On The Screen

Self Test On Chapter 3

Problems On Chapter 3

Chapter 4 – Characters And Strings

Self Test On  Chapter 4

Problems On Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Known Good Practlce

Self Test On Chapter 5

Problems On Chapter 5

Chapter 6 – Arrays And For Loops

Self Test On Chapter 6

Problems On Chapter 6

Chapter 7 – Simple Procedures

Self Test On Chapter 7

Problems On Chapter 7

Chapter 8 – From Basic To Superbasic

Chapter 9 - Data Types Variables And Identifiers

Problems On Chapter 9

Chapter 10 – Logic

Problems On Chapter 10

Chapter 11 – Handling Text – Strings

Problems On Chapter 11

Chapter 12 – Screen Output

Problems On Chapter 12

Chapter 13 – Arrays

Problems On Chapter 13

Chapter 14 – Program Structure

Problems On Chapter 14

Chapter 15 – Procedures And Functions

Problems On Chapter 15

Chapter 16 – Some Techniques

17 - Answers To Self Tests

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 1

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 2

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 3

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 4

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 5

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 6

Answers To Self Test On Chapter 7








Your QL should be connected to a monitor screen or TV set and switched on. Press a few keys, say abc, and the screen should appear as shown below. The small flashing light is called the cursor.



If your screen does not look like this read the section entitled Introduction. This should enable you to solve any difficulties.




The QL is a versatile and powerful computer so there are features of the keyboard which you do not need yet. For the present we will explain just those items which you need for this and the next six chapters.




This enables you to 'break' out of situations you do not like. For example:


a line which you have decided to abandon

something wrong which you do not understand

a running program which has ceased to be of interest

any other problem


Because BREAK is so powerful it has been made difficult to type accidentally.


Hold down CTRL and then press SPACE


If nothing was added or removed from a program while it was halted with BREAK then it can be

restarted by typing:






This is not a key but a small push button on the right hand side of the QL. It is placed here deliberately, out of the way, because its effects are more dramatic than the break keys. If you cannot achieve what you need with the break keys then press the RESET Button. This is almost the same as switching the computer off and on again. You get a clean re-start.





There are two SHIFT keys because they are used frequently and need to be available to either hand.


Hold down one SHIFT key and type some letter keys. You will get upper case (capital) letters.


Hold down one SHIFT key and type some other key not a letter. You will get a symbol in an upper position on the key.


Without a SHIFT key you get lower case (small) letters or a symbol in a lower position on a key.





This key works like a switch Just press it once and only the letter keys will be 'locked' into a particular mode - upper case or lower case.


Type some letter keys.

Type the CAPS LOCK key once.

Type some letter keys.


You will see that the mode changes and remains until you type the CAPS LOCK key again.





The long key at the bottom of the keyboard gives spaces. This is a very important key in SuperBASIC as you will see in chapter two.




The left cursor together with the CTRL key acts like a rubber. You must hold down the CTRL key while you press the cursor key. Each time you then press both together the previous character is deleted.





The system needs to know when you have typed a complete message or instruction. When you have typed something complete such as RUN you type the ENTER key to enter it into the system for action.


Because this key is needed so often we have used a special symbol for it:




We shall use this for convenience, better presentation, and to save space. Test the à (ENTER) key by typing


PRINT "Correct" Ã


If you made no mistakes the system will respond with













becomes equal to (used in LET)








semi colon






decimal point or full stop






left bracket


right bracket





Cls Ã

clS Ã


These are all correct and have the same effect. Some keywords are displayed partly, in upper case to show allowed abbreviations. Where a keyword cannot be abbreviated it is displayed completely in upper case.




The usual use of quotes is to define a word or sentence – a string of characters. Try:


PRINT “This works” Ã


The computer will respond with:


This works


The quotes are not printed but they indicate that some text is to be printed and they define exactly what it is - everything between the opening and closing quote marks. If you wish to use the quote symbol itself in a string of characters then the apostrophe symbol can be used instead. For example:


PRINT 'The quote symbol is "'


will work and will print


The quote symbol is "




The zero key is with the other numeric digits at the top of the keyboard, and is slightly



The letter 'O' key is amongst the other letters. Be careful to use the right symbol.


Similarly avoid confusion between one, amongst the digits, and the letter 'I' amongst the

letters between one, amongst the digits, and the letter 'I' amongst the letters.




When using a SHIFT key hold it down while you type the other key so that the SHIFT key makes contact before the other key and also remains in contact until after the other key has lifted.


The same rule applies to the control CTRL and alternate ALT keys which are used in conjunction with others but you do not need those at present.


Type the two simple instructions:



PRINT 'Hello' Ã


Strictly speaking these constitute a computer program, however it is the stored program that is important in computing. The above instructions are executed instantly as you type à (ENTER)


Now type the program with line numbers:


10 CLS Ã



This time nothing happens externally except that the program appears in the upper part of the screen This means that it is accepted as correct grammar or syntax. It conforms to the rules of SuperBASIC, but it has not yet been executed, merely stored. To make it work, type:




The distinction between direct commands for immediate action and a stored sequence of instructions is discussed in the next chapter. For the present you can experiment with the above ideas and two more:




causes an internally stored program to be displayed (listed) on the screen or elsewhere.




causes an internally stored program to be deleted so that you can type in a NEW one.




You can score a maximum of 16 points from the following test. Check your score with the answers page at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1. In what circumstances might you use the BREAK sequence?


2. Where is the RESET button?


3. What is the effect of the RESET button?


4. Name two differences between a SHIFT key and the CAPS LOCK key.


5. How can you delete a wrong character which you have just typed?


6. What is the purpose of the ENTER key?


7. What symbol do we use for the ENTER key?


What is the effect of the commands in questions 8 to 11


8. CLS Ã


9. RUN Ã


10. LIST Ã


11. NEW Ã


12. Do keywords have the proper effect if you type them in lower case?


13. What is the significance of the parts of keywords which the QL displays in upper case?




Computers need to store data such as numbers. The storage can be imagined as pigeon holes.












Though you cannot see them, you do need to give names to particular pigeon holes. Suppose you want to do the following simple calculation.


A dog breeder has 9 dogs to feed for 28 days, each at the rate of one tin of 'Beefo' per day. Make the computer print (display on the screen) the required number of tins.


One way of solving this problem would require three pigeon holes for


number of dogs

number of days

total number of tins


SuperBASiC allows you to choose sensible names for pigeon holes and you may choose as shown:












You can make the computer set up a pigeon hole name it, and store a number in it with a single instruction or statement such as:


LET dogs = 9 Ã


This will set up an internal pigeon hole named dogs, and place in it the number 9 thus:






The word LET has a special meaning to SuperBASIC. It is called a keyword. SuperBASIC has many

other keywords which you will see later. You must be careful about the space after LET and other keywords. Because SuperBASIC allows you to choose pigeon hole names with great freedom LETdogs would be a valid pigeon hole name.


The LET keyword is optional In SuperBASIC and because of this statements like


LETdogs = 9 Ã


are valid. This would refer to a pigeon hole called LETdogs


Just as in English, names, numbers and keywords should be separated from each other by spaces If they are not separated by special characters.


Even if it were not necessary, a program line without proper spacing is bad style. Machines with small memory size may force programmers into it, but that is not a problem with the QL You can check that a pigeon hole exists internally by typing:


PRINT dogs Ã


The screen should display what is in the pigeon hole:




Again be careful to put a space after PRINT.


To solve the problem we can write a program which is a sequence of instructions or statements. You can now understand the first two:


LET dogs = 9 Ã

LET days = 28 Ã


These cause two pigeon holes to be set up, named, and given numbers or values. The next instruction must perform a multiplication, for which the computer's symbol is *, and place the result in a new pigeon hole called tins thus:


LET tins = dogs * days Ã


1. The computer gets the values, 9 and 28, from the two pigeon holes named dogs and days

2. The number 9 is multiplied by 28.

3. A new pigeon hole is set up and named tins.

4. The result of the multiplication becomes the value in the pigeon hole named tins.


All this may seem elaborate but you need to understand the ideas, which are very important.


The only remaining task is to make the computer print the result which can be done by typing




which will cause the output:




to be displayed on the screen.


In summary the program:


LET dogs = 9

LET days = 28

LET tins = dogs * days

PRINT tins


causes the internal effects best imagined as three named pigeon holes containing numbers:













and the output on the screen:




Of course, you could achieve this result more easily with a calculator or a pencil and paper You could do it quickly with the QL by typing:


PRINT 9 * 28 Ã


which would give the answer on the screen. However the ideas we have discussed are the essential starting points of programming in SuperBASIC. They are so essential that they occur in many computer languages and have been given special names.


1.     Names such as dogs, days and tins are called identifiers.


2.     A single instruction such as:

LET dogs = 9 Ã

is called a statement.


3.     The arrangement of name and associated pigeon hole is called a variable. The execution of the above statement stores the value 9 in the pigeon hole 'identified' by  the Identifier dogs.


A statement such as:


LET dogs = 9 Ã


is an instruction for a highly dynamic internal process but the printed text is static and it uses the = sign borrowed from mathematics. It is better to think or say (but not type):


LET dogs become 9 Ã


and to think of the process having a right to left direction (do not type this):


dogs ß 9


The use of = in a LET statement is not the same as the use of = in mathematics. For example, if another dog turns up you may wish to write:


LET dogs = dogs + 1 Ã


Mathematically this is not very sensible but in terms of computer operations it is simple. If the value of dogs before the operation was 9 then the value after the operation would be 10. Test this by typing:


LET dogs = 9 Ã

PRINT dogs Ã

LET dogs = dogs + 1 Ã

PRINT dogs Ã


The output should be:





proving that the final value in the pigeon hole is as shown:







A good way to understand what is happening to the pigeon holes, or variables, is to do what is called a "dry run". You simply examine each instruction in turn and write down the values which result from each instruction to show how the pigeon holes are set up and given values, and how they retain their values as the program is executed.


LET dogs = 9 Ã

LET days = 28 Ã

LET tins = dogs * days Ã



The output should be




You may notice that so far a variable name has always been used first on the left hand side of a LET statement. Once the pigeon hole is set up and has a value, the corresponding variable name can be used on the right hand side of a LET statement.


Now suppose you wish to encourage a small child to save money. You might give two bars of chocolate for every pound saved. Suppose you try to compute this as follows:


LET bars = pounds * 2 Ã

PRINT bars Ã


You cannot do a dry run as the program stands because you do not know how many pounds

have been saved.


We have made a deliberate error here in using pounds on the right of a LET statement without it having been set up and give n some value. Your QL will search internally for the variable "pounds". It will not find it, so it concludes that there is an error in the program and gives an error message. If we had tried to print out the value of "pounds", the QL would have printed a * to indicate that "pounds" was undefined. We say that the variable pounds has not been initialised (given an initial value). The program works properly if you do this first.






LET pounds = 7 Ã




LET bars = pounds * 2 Ã






The program works properly and gives the output:






Typing statements without line numbers may produce the desired result but there are two reasons why this method, as used so far, is not satisfactory except as a first introduction.


1.     The program can only execute as fast as you can type. This is not very impressive for a machine that can do millions of operations per second.

2.     The individual instructions are not stored after execution so you cannot run the program again or correct an error without re-typing the whole thing.


Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century computer pioneer knew that a successful computer needed to store instructions as well as data in internal pigeon holes. These instructions would then be executed rapidly in sequence without further human intervention.


The program instructions will be stored but not executed if you use line numbers. Try this:


10 LET price = 15 Ã

20 LET pens = 7 Ã

30 LET cost = price * pens Ã

40 PRINT cost Ã


Nothing happens externally yet, but the whole program is stored internally. You make it work by typing:




and the output:




should appear.


The advantage of this arrangement is that you can edit or add to the program with

minimal extra typing.




Later you will see the full editing features of SuperBASIC but even at this early stage you can do three things easily:


replace a line

insert a new line

delete a line


Replace a line


Suppose you wish to alter the previous program because the price has changed to 20p for a pen. Simply re-type line 10.


10 LET price = 20 Ã


This line will replace the previous line 10. Assuming the other lines are still stored, test

the program by typing:




and the new answer, 140, should appear.


Insert a new line


Suppose you wish to insert a line just before the last one, to print the words 'Total Cost.' This situation often arises so we usually choose line numbers 10, 20, 30 ... to allow space to insert extra lines.


To put in the extra line type


35 PRINT "Total Cost" Ã


and it will be inserted just before line 40. The system allows line numbers in the range 1 to 32768 to allow plenty of flexibility in choosing them. It is difficult to be quite sure in advance what changes may be needed.


Now type:




and the new output should be:


Total cost



Delete Line


You can delete line 35 by typing:


35 Ã


It is as though an empty line has replaced the previous one.




Note how useful the PRINT statement is. You can PRINT text by using quotes or apostrophes:


PRINT "Chocolate bars" Ã


You can print the values of variables (contents of pigeon holes) by typing statements such as:


PRINT bars Ã


without using quotes.


You will see later how very versatile the PRINT statement can be in SuperBASIC. It will enable you to place text or other output on the screen exactly where you want it. But for the present these two facilities are useful enough:


printing of text

printing values of variables (contents of pigeon holes).




A carpet-making machine needs wool as input. It then makes carpets according to the current design.



If the wool is changed you may get a different carpet.


The same sort of relations exist in a computer.


However, if the data is input into pigeon holes by means of LET there are two disadvantages when you get beyond very trivial programs:


writing LET statements is laborious

changing such input is also laborious


You can arrange for data to be given to a program as it runs. The INPUT statement will cause the program to pause and wait for you to type in something at the keyboard. First type:




so that the previous stored program (if it is still there) will be erased ready for this new one. Now type:


10 LET price = 15 Ã

20 PRINT "How many pens?" Ã

30 INPUT pens Ã

40 LET cost = price * pens Ã

50 PRINT cost Ã



The program pauses at line 30 and you should type the number of pens you want, say:


4 Ã


Do not forget the ENTER key. The output will be:




The INPUT statement needs a variable name so that the system knows where to put the data which comes in from your typing at the keyboard. The effect of line 30 with your typing is the same as a LET statement's effect. It is more convenient for some purposes when interaction between computer and user is desirable. However, the LET statement and the INPUT statement are useful only for modest amounts of data. We need something else to handle larger amounts of data without pauses in the execution of the program.


SuperBASIC, like most BASICs, provides another method of input known as READing from DATA statements. We can retype the above program in a new form to give the same effects without any pauses. Try this:



10 READ price, pens Ã

20 LET cost = price * pens Ã

30 PRINT cost Ã

40 DATA 15, 4 Ã



The output should be:




as before.


Each time the program is run, SuperBASIC needs to be told where to start reading DATA from. This can either be done by typing RESTORE followed by the DATA line number or by typing CLEAR. Both these commands can also be inserted at the start of the programs.


When line 10 is executed the system searches the program for a DATA statement. It then uses the values in the DATA statement for the variables in the READ statement in exactly the same order. We usually place DATA statements at the end of a program. They are used by the program but they are not executed in the sense that every other line is executed in turn. DATA statements can go anywhere in a program but they are best at the end, out of the way. Think of them as necessary to, but not really part of, the active program. The rules about READ and DATA are as follows:


1.     All DATA statements are considered to be a single long sequence of items. So far these items have been numbers but they could be words or letters.

2.     Every time a READ statement is executed the necessary items are copied from the DATA statement into the variables named in the READ statement.

3.     The system keeps track of which items have been READ by means of an internal record. If a program attempts to READ more items than exist in all the DATA statements an error will be signalled.




You have used names for 'pigeon holes' such as "dogs", "bars". You may choose words like these according to certain rules:


A name cannot include spaces.


A name must start with a letter.


A name must be made up from letters, digits, $, %, _ (underscore)


The symbols $, % have special purposes, to be explained later, but you can use the underscore to make names such as:





more readable.


SuperBASIC does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters, so names like TINS and tins are the same.


The maximum number of characters in a name is 255.


Names which are constructed according to these rules are called identifiers. Identifiers are used for other purposes in SuperBASIC and you need to understand them. The rules allow great freedom in choice of names so you can make your programs easier to understand. Names like total, count, pens are more helpful than names like Z, P, Q.




You can score a maximum of 21 points from this test Check your score with the answers in "Answers To Self Test" section at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     How should you imagine an internal number store?


2.     State two ways of storing a value in an internal 'pigeon hole' to be created (two points)


3.     How can you find out the value of an internal 'pigeon hole'?


4.     What is the usual technical name for a 'pigeon hole'?


5.     When does a pigeon hole get its first value?


6.     A variable is so called because its value can vary as a program is executed. What is the usual way of causing such a change?


7.     The = sign in a LET statement does not mean 'equals' as in mathematics. What does it mean?


8.     What happens when you ENTER an unnumbered statement?


9.     What happens when you ENTER a numbered statement?


10.  What is the purpose of quotes in a PRINT statement?


11.  What happens when you do not use quotes in a PRINT statement?


12.  What does an INPUT statement do which a LET statement does not?


13.  What type of program statement is never executed?


14.  What is the purpose of a DATA statement?


15.  What is another word for the name of a pigeon hole (or variable)?


16.  Write down three valid identifiers which use letters, letters and digits, letters and underscore (three points)


17.  Why is the space bar especially important in SuperBASlC?


18.  Why are freely chosen identifiers important in programming?



1.     Carry out a dry run to show the values of all variables as each line of the following program is executed:


10 LET hours = 40 Ã

20 LET rate = 31 Ã

30 LET wage = hours * rate Ã

40 PRINT hours, rate, wage Ã


2.     Write and test a program, similar to that of problem 1, which compute s the area of a carpet is 3 metres in width and 4 metres in length. Use the variable names: width, length, area.


3.     Re-write the program of problem 1 so that it uses two INPUT statements instead of LET statements.


4.     Re write the program of problem 1 so that the input data (40 and 3) appears in a DATA statement instead of a LET statement.


5.     Re write the program of problem 2 using a different method of data input. Use READ and DATA if you originally used LET and vice-versa.


6.     Bill and Ben agree to have a gamble. Each will take out of his wallet all the pound notes and give them to the other. Write a program to simulate this entirely with LET and PRINT statements. Use a third person, Sue, to hold Bill's money while he accepts Ben's.


7.     Re-write the program of problem 6 so that a DATA statement holds the two numbers to be exchanged.





In order to use either a television set or monitor with the QL, two different screen modes are available. MODE 8 permits eight colour displays with a graphics resolution of 256 by 256 pixels and large characters for display on a television set. MODE 4 allows four colours with a resolution of 512 by 256 pixels and a maximum of eighty character lines for which a monitor must be used for successful display. However, it would be unfortunate if a program was written to draw circles or squares in one mode and produced ellipses or rectangles in another mode (as some systems do). We therefore provide a system of scale  graphics which avoids these problems. You simply choose a vertical scale and work to it. The other type of graphics (pixel oriented) is also available and is described fully in a later chapter.


Suppose, for example, that we choose a vertical scale of 100 and we wish to draw a line from position (50,60) to position (70,80).





We need to specify three things:


PAPER (background colour)

INK (drawing colour)

LINE (start and end points)


The followingprogram will draw a line as shown in the above figure in red (colour code 2) on a white (colour code 7) background.



10 PAPER 7 : CLS Ã

20 INK 2 Ã

30 LINE 50,60 TO 70,80 Ã



In line 10 the paper colour is selected first but it only comes into effect with a further command, such as CLS, meaning clear the screen to the current paper colour.




So far it does not matter which screen mode you are using but the range of colours is affected by the choice of mode.


MODE 8 allows eight basic colours

MODE 4 allows four basic colours


Colours have codes as described below.






8 colour

4 colour


























For example, INK 3 would give magenta in MODE 8 and red in MODE 4.


We will explain in a later chapter how the basic colours can be 'mixed' in various ways to produce a startling range of colours, shades and textures.




You can get some interesting effects with random numbers which can be generated with the RND function. For example:




will print a whole number in the range 1 to 6, like throwing an ordinary six-sided dice. The following program will illustrate this:



10 LET die = RND(1 TO 6) Ã

20 PRINT die Ã



If you run the program several times you will get different numbers.


You can get random whole numbers in any range you like. For example:


RND(0 TO 100)


will produce a number which can be used in scale graphics. You can re-write the line program so that it produces a random colour. Where the range of random numbers starts from zero you can omit the first number and write:





10 PAPER 7 : CLS Ã

20 INK RND(5) Ã

30 LINE 50,60 TO RND(100),RND(100) Ã



This produces a line starting somewhere near the centre of the screen and finishing at some random point. The range of possible colours depends on which mode is selected. You will find that a range of numbers ‘something TO something’ occurs often in SuperBASIC.




The part of the screen in which you have drawn lines and create other output is called a window. Later you will see how you can change the size and position of a window or create other windows. For the present we shall be content to draw a border round the current window. The smallest area of light or colour you can plot on the screen is called a pixel. In mode 8, called low resolution mode, there are 256 possible pixel positions across the screen and 256 down. In mode 4, called high resolution mode, there are 512 pixels across the screen and 256 down. Thus the size of a pixel depends on the mode.


You can make a border round the inside edge of a window by typing for example:




This will create a border 4 pixels wide in colour red (code 2). The effective size of the window is reduced by the border. This means that any subsequent printing or graphics will automatically fit within the new window size. The only exception to this is a further border which will overwrite the existing one.




Computers can do things very quickly but it would not be possible to exploit this great power if every action had to be written as an instruction. A building foreman has a similar problem. If he wants a workman to lay a hundred paving stones that is roughly what he says. He does not give a hundred separate instructions.


A traditional way of achieving looping or repetition in BASIC is to use a GO TO (or GOTO, they are the same) statement as follows.



10 PAPER 6 : CLS Ã

20 BORDER 1,2 Ã

30 INK RND(5) Ã

40 LINE 50,60 TO RND(100),RND(100) Ã

50 GOTO 30 Ã



You may prefer not to type in this program because SuperBASIC allows a better way of doing repetition. Note certain things about each line.



Fixed part – not repeatd



Changeable part – repeated



Controls program



You can re-write the above program by omitting the GOTO statement and, instead, putting REPeat and END REPeat around the part to be repeated.



10 PAPER 6 : CLS Ã

20 BORDER 1,2 Ã

30 REPEAT star Ã

40   INK RND(5) Ã

50   LINE 50,60 TO RND(100),RND(100) Ã

60 END REPEAT star Ã



We have given the repeat structure a name, star. The structure consists of the two lines:


REPeat star

END REPeat star


and what lies between them is called the content of the structure. The use of upper case letters indicates that REP is a valid abbreviation of REPeat.


This program should produce coloured lines indefinitely to make a star as shown in the figure below.



The STAR program


You can stop it by pressing the break keys:


Hold down CTRL and then press     SPACE    .


SuperBASIC provides a consistent and versatile method of stopping repetitive processes.

Imagine running round and round inside the program activating statements. How can

you escape? The answer is to use an EXIT statement. But there must be some reason

for escaping. You might extend the choice of line colours by typing as an amendment

to the program (do not type NEW):


40 INK RND (0 TO 6) Ã


so that if RND produces 6 the ink is the same colour as the paper and you will not see

it. This could be the reason for terminating the repetition. We can re-arrange the

program as follows:



10 PAPER 6 : CLS Ã

20 BORDER 1 ,2 Ã

30 REPeat star Ã

40   LET colour = RND(6) Ã

50   IF colour = 6 THEN EXIT star Ã

60   INK colour Ã

70   LINE 50,60 TO RND(100),RND(100) Ã

80 END REPeat star Ã


The important thing to note here is that the program continues until "colour" becomes 6. Control then escapes from the loop to the point just after line 80. Since there are no program lines after 80 the program stops.


Another important concept has been introduced. It is the idea of a decision.


IF colour = 6 THEN EXIT star


This is another very useful structure because it is a choice of doing something or not; we call it a simple binary decision. Its general form is:


IF condition THEN statement(s)


You will see later how the two concepts of repetition (or looping) and decision-making (or selection) are the main structures for program control. You can stop the program by pressing the break keys: hold down CTRL and then press the space bar.




You can score a maximum of 13 points from the following test. Check your score with the answers on Page 107 - in the "Answers to self test" section at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     What is a pixel?


2.     How many pixels fit across the screen in the low resolution mode?


3.     How many pixels fit from bottom to top in low resolution mode?


4.     What are the two numbers which determine the 'address' or position of a graphics point on the screen?


5.     How many colours are available in the low resolution mode?


6.     Name the keywords which do the following:

i.      draw a line

ii.     select a colour for drawing

iii.    iii select a background colour

iv.    draw a border (5 points)


7.     What are the statements which open and close the REPeat loop?


8.     When does an executing REPeat loop terminate?


9.     Why do loops in SuperBASIC have names?




1.     Write a program to draw straight lines all over the screen. The lines should be of random length and direction. Each should start where the previous one finished and each should have a randomly chosen colour.


2.     Write a program to draw lines randomly with the restriction that each line has a random start on the left hand edge of the screen.


3.     Write a program to draw lines randomly with the restriction that the lines start at the same point on the bottom edge of the screen.


4.     Write a program to produce lines of random length, starting points and colour. All lines must be horizontal.


5.     As problem 4 but make the lines vertical.


6.     Write a program to produce a square 'spiral' in such a way that each line makes a random colour


HINT: First find the co-ordinates of some of the corners, then put them in groups of four. You should discover a pattern.




Teachers sometimes wish to assess the reading ability needed for particular books or classroom materials. Various tests are used and some of these compute the average lengths of words and sentences. We will introduce ideas about handling words or character strings by examining simple approaches to finding average word lengths.


We are talking about sequences of letters, digits or other symbols which may or may not be words. That is why the term 'character string' has been invented. It is usually abbreviated to string. Strings are handled in ways similar to number handling but, of course, we do not do the same operations on them. We do not multiply or subtract strings. We join them, separate them, search them and generally manipulate them as we need.




You can create pigeon holes for strings. You can put character strings into pigeon holes and use the information just as you do with numbers. If you intend to store (not all at once) words such as:






you may choose to name two pigeon holes:









Notice the dollar sign. Pigeon holes for strings are internally different from those for numbers and SuperBASIC needs to know which is which. All names of string pigeon holes must end with $. Otherwise the rules for choosing names are the same as the rules for the names of numeric pigeon holes.


You may pronounce:


weekday$ as weekdaydollar

month$ as monthdollar


The LET statement works in the same way as for numbers. If you type:


LET weekday$ = "FIRST" Ã


an internal pigeon hole, named weekday$ will be set up with the value FIRST in it thus:






The quote marks are not stored. They are used in the LET statement to make it absolutely clear what is to be stored in the pigeon hole. You can check by typing:


PRINT weekday$ Ã


and the screen should display what is in the pigeon hole:




You can use a pair of apostrophes instead of a pair of quote marks.




SuperBASIC makes it easy to find the length or number of characters of any string. You simply write, for example:


PRINT LEN(weekday$) Ã


If the pigeon hole, weekday$, contains FIRST the number 5 will be displayed. You can see the effect in a simple program:



10 LET weekday$ = "FIRST" Ã

20 PRINT LEN(weekday$) Ã



The screen should display:




LEN is a keyword of SuperBASIC


An alternative method of achieving the same result uses both a string pigeon hole and a numeric pigeon hole.



10 LET weekday$ = "FIRST" Ã

20 LET length = LEN(weekday$) Ã

30 PRINT length Ã



The screen should display:




as before, and two internal pigeon holes contain the values shown:










Let us return to the problem of average lengths of words.


Write a program to find the average length of the three words:






When problems get beyond what you regard as very trivial, it is a good idea to construct a program design before writing the program itself


1.     Store the three words in pigeon holes.

2.     Compute the lengths and store them.

3.     Compute the average.

4.     Print the result.



10 LET weekday$ = "FIRST" Ã

20 LET word$ = "OF" Ã

30 LET month$ = "FEBRUARY" Ã

40 LET length1 = LEN (weekday$) Ã

50 LET length2 = LEN (word$) Ã

60 LET length3 = LEN (month$) Ã

70 LET sum = length1 + length2 + length3 Ã

80 LET average = sum/3 Ã

90 PRINT average Ã



The symbol / means divided by. The output or result of running the program is simply:




And there are eight internal pigeon holes involved:
















































If you think that is a lot of fuss for a fairly simple problem you can certainly shorten it. The shortest version would be a single line but it would be less easy to read. A reasonable compromise uses the symbol "&" which stands for the operation:


Join two strings


Now type:



10 LET weekday$ = "FIRST" Ã

20 LET word$ = "OF" Ã

30 LET month$ = "FEBRUARY" Ã

40 LET phrase$ = weekday$ & word$ & month$ Ã

50 LET length = LEN(phrase$) Ã

60 PRINT length/3 Ã



The output is 5 as before but there are some different internal effects:
































There is one more reasonable simplification which is to use READ and DATA instead of the first three LET statements. Type:



10 READ weekday$, word$, month$ Ã

20 LET phrase$ = weekday$ & word$ & month$ Ã

30 LET length = LEN(phrase$) Ã

40 PRINT length/3 Ã




The internal effects of this version are exactly the same as those of the previous one. READ causes the setting up of internal pigeon holes with values in them in a similar way to LET.




Names of pigeon holes, such as:







are called string identifiers. The dollar signs imply that the pigeon holes are for character strings. The dollar must always be at the end.


Pigeon holes of this kind are called string variables because they contain only character strings which may vary as a program runs.


The contents of such pigeon holes are called values. Thus words like 'FIRST' and 'OF' may be values of string variables named weekday$ and +word$




You can use character codes (see Concept Reference Guide) to generate random letters. The upper case letters A to Z have the codes 65 to 90. The function CHR$ converts these codes into letters. The following program will print a letter B.



10 LET lettercode = 66 Ã

20 PRINT CHR$ (lettercode) Ã



The following program will generate trios of letters A, B, or C until the word CAB is spelled




10 REPeat taxi

20 LET first$ = CHR$(RND(65 TO 67))

30 LET second$ = CHR$(RND(65 TO 67))

40 LET third$ = CHR$(RND(65 TO 67))

50 LET word$ = first$ & second$ & third$

60 PRINT ! word$ !

70 IF word$ = "CAB" THEN EXIT taxi

80 END REPeat taxi


Random characters, like random numbers or random points are useful for learning to program. You can easily get interesting effects for program examples and exercises.


Note the effect the ! … ! have on the spacing of the output.




You can score a maximum of 10 points from the following test. Check your score with the answers in the "Answers To Self Tests" section at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     What is a character string?


2.     What is the usual abbreviation of the term, 'character string'?


3.     What distinguishes the name of a string variable?


4.     How do some people pronounce a word such as 'word$'?


5.     What keyword is used to find the number of characters in a string?


6.     What symbol is used to join two strings?


7.     Spaces can be part of a string. How are the limits of a string defined?


8.     When a statement such as:

LET meat$ = "steak"

is executed, are the quotes stored?


9.     What function will turn a suitable code number into a letter?


10.  How can you generate random upper case letters?




1.     Store the words 'Good' and 'day' in two separate variables. Use a LET statement to join the values of the two variables in a third variable. Print the result.


2.     Store the following words in four separate pigeon holes:


light  let  be  there


Join the words to make a sentence adding spaces and a full stop. Store the whole sentence in a variable, sent$, and print the sentence and the total number of characters it contains.


3.     Write a program which uses the keywords:


CHR$ RND(65 TO 90))


to generate one hundred random three letter words. See if you have accidentally generated any real English words. Test the effects of:


a)     ; at the end of a PRINT statement.

b)    ! on either side of item printed.




You have already begun to work effectively with short programs. You may have found the following practices are helpful:


1.             Use of lower case for identifiers: names of variables ( pigeon holes ) or repeat structures, etc.

2.             Indenting of statements to show the content of a repeat structure.

3.             Well chosen identifiers reflecting what a variable or repeat structure is used for.

4.             Editing a program by:


replacing a line

inserting a line

deleting a line




You have reached the stage where it is helpful to be able to study programs to learn from them and to try to understand what they do.  The mechanics of actually running them should now be well understood and in the following chapters we will dispense with the constant repetition of:


NEW before each program

à at the end of each line

RUN to start each program


You will understand that you should use all these features when you wish to enter and  run a program. But their omission in the text will enable you to see the other details  more clearly as you try to imagine what the program will do when it runs.


If we dispense with the above details we may use and understand programs more easily without the technical clutter. For example, the following program generates random upper case letters until a Z

appears. It does not show the words NEW or RUN or the ENTER symbol but you still need

to use these.


10 REPeat letters

20 LET lettercode = RND(65 TO 90)

30 cap$ = CHR$(lettercode)

40 PRINT cap$

50 IF cap$ = "Z" THEN EXIT letters

60 END REPeat letters


In this and subsequent chapters programs will be shown without ENTER symbols. Direct commands will also be shown without ENTER symbols. But you must use these keys as usual. You must also remember to use NEW and RUN as necessary




It is tedious to enter line numbers manually. Instead you can type:




before you start programming and the QL will reply with a line number:




Continue typing lines until you have finished your program when the screen will show:


100 PRINT "First"

110 PRINT "Second"

120 PRINT "End"


To finish the automatic production of line numbers use the BREAK sequence:


Hold down the CTRL and press the SPACE bar. This will produce the message:

130 not complete


and line 130 will not be included in your program.


If you make a mistake which does not cause a break from automatic numbering, you can continue and EDIT the line later. If you want to start at some particular line number say 600, and use an increment other than 10 you can type, for an increment of 5:


AUTO 600,5


Lines will then be numbered 600, 605, 610, etc.


To cancel AUTO, press CTRL and the SPACE bar at the same time.




To edit a line simply type EDIT followed by the line number for example:


EDIT 110


The line will then be displayed with the cursor at the end thus:


110 PRINT "Second"


You can move the cursor using:


ß one place left

à one place right


To delete a character to the left use:


CTRL with ß


To delete the character in the cursor position type:


CTRL with à


and the character to the right of the cursor will move up to close the gap.




Before using a new Microdrive cartridge it must be formatted. Follow the instructions in the Introduction. The choice of name for the cartridge follows the same rules as SuperBASIC identifiers, etc. but limited to only 10 characters. It is a good idea to write the name of the cartridge on the cartridge itself using one of the supplied sticky labels. You should always keep at least one back-up copy of any program or data. Follow the instructions in the Information section of the User Guide.





If you FORMAT a cartridge which holds programs and/or data,

ALL the programs and/or data will be lost






The following program sets borders, 8 pixels wide, in red (code 2), in three windows designated #0, #1, #2.


100 REMark Border

110 FOR k = 0 TO 2 : BORDER #k,8,2


You can save it on a microdrive by inserting a cartridge and typing:


SAVE mdv1_bord


The program will be saved in a Microdrive file called "bord".




If you want to know what programs or data files are on a particular cartridge place it in Microdrive 1 and type:


DIR mdv1_


The directory will be displayed on the screen. If the cartridge is in Microdrive 2 then type instead:


DIR mdv2_




Once a program is stored as a file on a Microdrive cartridge it can be copied to other files. This is one way of making a backup copy of a Microdrive cartridge. You might copy all the previous programs, and similar commands for other programs, onto another cartridge in Microdrive 2 by typing:


COPY mdv1_bord TO mdv2_bord




A file is anything, such as a program or data, stored on a cartridge. To delete a program called "prog" you type:


DELETE mdv1_prog




A program can be loaded from a Microdrive cartridge by typing:


LOAD mdv2_bord


If the program loads correctly it will prove that both copies are good. You can test the program by using:


LIST to list it.

RUN to run it.


Instead of using LOAD followed by RUN you can combine the two operations in one command.


LRUN mdv2_bord


The program will load and execute immediately.




Suppose that you have two programs saved on Microdrive 1 as "prog1" and "prog2".


100 PRINT "First"

110 PRINT "Second"


If you type:


LOAD mdv1_prog1


followed by:


MERGE mdv1_prog2


The two programs will be merged into one. To verify this, type LIST and you should see:


100 PRINT "First"

110 PRINT "Second"


If you MERGE a program make sure that all its line numbers are different from the program already in main memory. Otherwise it will overwrite some of the lines of the first program. This facility becomes very valuable as you become proficient in handling procedures. It is then quite natural to build a program up by adding procedures or functions to it.




Be careful and methodical with cartridges. Always keep one back-up copy and if you suspect any problem with a cartridge or microdrive keep a second back-up copy. Computer professionals very rarely lose data. They know that even with the best machines or devices there will be occasional faults and they allow for this.


If you want to call a program by a particular name, say, square, it may be a good idea to use names like sq1, sq2... for preliminary versions. When the program is in its final form take at least two copies called square and the others may be deleted by re-formatting or by some more selective method.




You can score a maximum of 14 points from the following test. . Check your score with the answers in the "Answers To Self Tests" section at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     Why are lower case letters preferred for program words which you choose?


2.     What is the purpose of indenting?


3.     What should normally guide your choice of identifiers for variables and loops?


4.     Name three ways of editing a program in the computer's main memory (three points).


5.     What should you remember to type at the end of every command or program line when you enter it?


6.     What should you normally type before you enter a program at the keyboard?


7.     What must be at the beginning of every line to be stored as part of a program?


8.     What must you remember to type to make a program execute?


9.     What keyword enables you to put into a program information which has no effect on the execution?


10.  Which two keywords help you to store programs on and retrieve from cartridges? (two points).





1.     Re-write the following program using lower case letters to give a better presentation. Add the words NEW and RUN. Use line numbers and the ENTER symbol just as you would to enter and run a program. Use REMark to give the program a name.






Explain how two and four can produce 7.


2.     Use indenting, lower case letters, NEW, RUN, line numbers and the ENTER symbol to show how you would actually enter and run the following program:









3.     Re-write the following program in better style using meaningful variable names and good presentation. Write the program as you would enter it:




LET N = RND(1 TO 6)


LET S = S + N





       Decide what the program does and then enter and run it to check your decision.






You know that numbers or character strings can become values of variables. You can picture this as numbers or words going into internal pigeon holes or houses. Suppose for example that four employees of a company are to be sent to a small village, perhaps because oil has been discovered. The village is one of the few places where the houses only have names and there are four available for rent. All the house names end with a dollar symbol.


Westlea$ Lakeside$ Roselawn$ Oaktree$


The four employees are called:











They can be placed in the houses by one of two methods.


Program 1:


100 LET westlea$ = "VAL"

110 LET lakeside$ = "HAL"

120 LET roselawn$ = "MEL"

130 LET oaktree$ = "DEL"

140 PRINT ! westlea$ ! lakeside$ ! roselawn$ ! oaktree$


Program 2:


100 READ westlea$, lakeside$, roselawn$, oaktree$

110 PRINT ! westlea$ ! lakeside$ ! roselawn$ ! oaktree$

120 DATA "VAL", "HAL", "MEL", "DEL"
















As the amount of data gets larger the advantages of READ and DATA over LET become greater. But when the data gets really numerous the problem of finding names for houses gets as difficult as finding vacant houses in a small village.


The solution to this and many other problems of handling data lies in a new type of pigeon hole or variable in which many may share a single name. However, they must be distinct so each variable also has a number like numbered houses in the same street. Suppose that you need four vacant houses in High Street numbered 1 to 4. In SuperBASIC we say there is an array of four houses. The name of the array is high_st$ and the four houses are to be numbered 1 to 4.


But you cannot just use these array variables as you can ordinary (simple)variables. You have to declare the dimensions (or size) of the array first. The computer allocates space  internally and it needs to know how many string variables there are in the array and also  the maximum length of each string variable. You use a DIM statement thus:


DIM high_st$(4, 3)

             |  |

             |   ------ maximum length of string


              --------- number of string variables


After the DIM statement has been executed the variables are available for use. It is as though the houses have been built but are still empty. The four 'houses' share a common name, high_st$, but each has its own number and each can hold up to three characters.



There are five programs below which all do the same thing: they cause the four 'houses' to be 'occupied' and they PRINT to show that the 'occupation' has really worked. The final method uses only four lines but the other four lead up to it in a way which moves all the time from known ideas to new ones or new uses of old ones. The movement is also towards greater economy.


If you understand the first two or three methods perfectly well you may prefer to move straight onto methods 4 and 5. But if you are in any doubt, methods 1, 2 and 3 will help to clarify things.


Program 1


100 DIM high_st$(4,3)

110 LET high_st$(l) = "VAL"

120 LET high_st$(2) = "HAL"

130 LET high_st$(3) = "MEL"

140 LET high st$(4) = "DEL"

150 PRINT ! high_st$(1) ! high st$(2) !

160 PRINT ! high_st$(3) ! high-st$(4) !


Program 2


100 DIM high st$(4,3)

110 READ high_st$(1),high_st$(2),high_st$(3),high_st$(4)

120 PRINT ! high_st$(1) ! high_st$(2) !

130 PRINT ! high_st$(3) ! high_st(4) !

140 DATA "VAL","HAL","MEL","DEL"


This shows how to economise on variable names but the constant repeating of high_st$ is both tedious and the cause of the cluttered appearance of the programs. We can, again, use a known technique - the REPeat loop to improve things further. We set up a counter, number, which increases by one as the REPeat loop proceeds.


Program 3


100 RESTORE 190

110 DIM high_st$(4,3)

120 LET number = 0

130 REPeat houses

140   LET number = number + 1

150   READ high_st$(number)

160   IF num = 4 THEN EXIT houses

170 END REPeat houses

180 PRINT high_st$(1) ! high_st$(2) ! high_st$(3) ! high_st$(4)

190 DATA "VAL","HAL","MEL","DEL"


This special type of loop, in which something has to be done a certain number of times, is well known. A special structure, called a FOR loop, has been invented for it. In such a loop the count from 1 to 4 is handled automatically. So is the exit when all four items have been handled.


Program 4


100 RESTORE 160

110 DIM high_st$(4,3)

120 FOR number = 1 TO 4

130 READ high_st$(number)

140 PRINT ! high_st$(number) !

150 END FOR number

160 DATA "VAL","HAL","MEL","DEL"


The output from all four programs is the same:




Which proves that the data is properly stored internally in the four array variables:











Method 4 is clearly the best so far because it can deal equally well with 4 or 40 or 400 items by just changing the number 4 and adding more DATA items. You can use as many DATA statements as you need.


In its simplest form the FOR loop is rather like the simplest form of REPeat loop. The two can be compared:


100 REPeat greeting

110 PRINT 'Hello"

120 END REPeat greeting

100 FOR greeting = 1 TO 40

110 PRINT 'Hello"

120 END FOR greeting


Both these loops would work. The REPeat loop would print 'Hello' endlessly (stop it with the BREAK sequence) and the FOR loop would print 'Hello' just forty times.


Notice that the name of the FOR loop is also a variable, greeting, whose value varies from 1 to 40 in the course of running the program. This variable is sometimes called the loop variable or the control variable of the loop.


Note the structure of both loops takes the form:


Opening statement


Closing statement


However certain structures have allowable short forms for use when there are only one or a few statements in the content of the loop. Short forms of the FOR loop are allowed so we could write the program in the most economical form of all:


Program 5:


100 RESTORE 140 : CLS

110 DIM high st$(4,3)

120 FOR number = 1 TO 4 : READ high_st$(number)

130 FOR number = 1 TO 4 : PRINT ! high_st$(number) !

140 DATA "VAL", "HAL", "MEL", "DEL"


Colons serve as end of statement symbols instead of ENTER and the ENTER symbols of lines 120 and 130 serve as END FOR statements.


There is an even shorter way of writing the above program. To print out the contents of the array high_st$ we can replace line 130 by:


130 PRINT ! high_st$ !


This uses an array slicer which we will discuss later in chapter 13.


We have introduced the concept of an array of string variables so that the only numbers involved would be the subscripts in each variable name. Arrays may be string or numeric and the following examples illustrate the numeric array.


Program 1:


Simulate the throwing of a pair of dice four hundred times. Keep a record of the number of occurrences of each possible score from 2 to 12.


100 REMark DICE1

110 LET two = 0  :three = 0:four = 0:five = 0:six = 0

120 LET seven = 0:eight = 0:nine = 0:ten = 0 :eleven = 0:twelve = 0

130 FOR throw = 1 TO 400

140   LET die1 = RND(1 TO 6)

150   LET die2 = RND(1 TO 6)

160   LET score = die1 + die2

170   IF score = 2 THEN LET two = two + 1

180   IF score = 3 THEN LET three = three + 1

190   IF score = 4 THEN LET four = four + 1

200   IF score = 5 THEN LET five = five + 1

21O   IF score = 6 THEN LET six = six + 1

220   IF score = 7 THEN LET seven = seven + 1

230   IF score = 8 THEN LET eight = eight + 1

240   IF score = 9 THEN LET nine = nine + 1

250   IF score = 10 THEN LET ten = ten + 1

26O   IF score = 11 THEN LET eleven = eleven + 1

270   IF score = 12 THEN LET twelve = twelve + 1

280 END FOR throw

290 PRINT ! two ! three ! four ! five ! six

300 PRINT ! seven ! eight ! nine ! ten ! eleven ! twelve


In the above program we establish eleven simple variables to store the tally of the scores. If you plot the tallies printed at the end you find that the bar chart is roughly triangular. The higher tallies are for scores six, seven, eight and the lower tallies are for 2 and 12. As every dice player knows, the reflects the frequency of the middle range of scores (six,seven,eight) and the rarity of twos or twelves.


100 REMark Dice2

110 DIM tally(12)

120 FOR throw = 1 TO 400

130 LET die_1 = RND(1 TO 6)

140 LET die_2 = RND(1 TO 6)

150 LET score = die_1 + die_2

160 LET tally(score) = tally(score) + 1

170 END FOR throw

180 FOR number = 2 TO 12 : PRINT tally(number)


In the first FOR loop, using throw, the subscript of the array variable is score. This means that the correct array subscript is automatically chosen for an increase in the tally after each throw. You can think of the array, tally, as a set of pigeon-holes numbered 2 to 12. Each time a particular score occurs the tally of that score is increased by throwing a stone into the corresponding pigeon hole.


In the second (short form) FOR loop, the subscript is number. As the value of number changes from 2 to 12 all the values of the tallies are printed.


Notice that in the DIM statement for a numeric array you need only declare the number of variables required. There is no question of maximum length as there is in a string array.


If you have used other versions of BASIC you may wonder what has happened to the NEXT statement. All SuperBASIC structures end with END something. That is consistent and sensible but the NEXT statement has a part to play as you will see in later chapters.




You can score a maximum of 16 points from the following test. Check your score with the answers in the "Answers To Self Tests" section at the end of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     Mention two difficulties which arise when the data needed for a program becomes numerous and you try to handle it without arrays (two points).


2.     If, in an array, ten variables have the same name then how do you know which is which?


3.     What must you do normally in a program, before you can use an array variable?


4.     What is another word for the number which distinguishes a particular variable of an array from the other variables which share its name?


5.     Can you think of two ideas in ordinary life which correspond to the concept of an  array in programming?(two points)


6.     In a REPeat loop, the process ends when some condition causes an EXIT statement to be executed. What causes the process in a FOR loop to terminate?


7.     A REPeat loop needs a name so that you can EXIT to its END properly. A FOR loop also has a name, but what other function does a FOR loop name have?


8.     What are the two phrases which are used to describe the variable which is also the name of a FOR loop?(two points)


9.     The values of a loop variable change automatically as a FOR loop is executed. Name one possible important use of these values.


10.  Which of the following do the long form of REPeat loops and the long form of FOR  loops have in common? For each of the four items either say that both have it or  which type of loop has it.


1.     An opening keyword or statement.

2.     A closing keyword or statement.

3.     A loop name.

4.     A loop variable or control variable.         (four points)





1.     Use a FOR loop to place one of four numbers 1,2,3,4 randomly in five array variables:


card(1), card(2), card(3), card(4), card(5)


It does not matter if some of the four numbers are repeated. Use a second FOR loop to output the values of the five card variables.


2.     Imagine that the four numbers 1,2,3,4 represent 'Hearts', 'Clubs', 'Diamonds', 'Spades'. What extra program lines would need to be inserted to get output in the form of these words instead of numbers?


3.     Use a FOR loop to place five random numbers in the range 1 to 13 in an array of five variables:


card(1), card(2) card(3), card(4) and card(5)


Use a second FOR loop to output the values of the five card variables.


4.     Imagine that the random numbers generated in problem 1 represent cards. Write down the extra statements that would cause the following output:





the word ‘Ace’

2 to 10

the actual number


the word ‘Jack’


the word ‘Queen’


the word ‘King’





If you were to try to write computer programs to solve complex problems you might find it difficult to keep track of things. A methodical problem solver therefore divides a large or complex job into smaller sections or tasks, and then divides these tasks again into smaller tasks, and so on until each can be be easily tackled.


This is similar to the arrangement of complex human affairs. Successful government depends on a delegation of responsibility. The Prime Minister divides the work amongst ministers, who divide it further through the Civil Service until tasks can be done by individuals without further division. There are complicating features such as common services and interplay between the same and different levels, but the hierarchical structure is the dominant one.


A good programmer will also work in this way and a modern language like SuperBASIC which allows properly named, well defined procedures will be much more helpful than older versions which do not have such features.


The idea is that a separately named block of code should be written for a particular task. It doesn't matter where the block of code is in the program. If it is there somewhere,the use of its name will:


activate the code

return control to the point in the program immediately after that use.


If a procedure, square, draws a square the scheme is as shown below:



In practice the separate tasks within a job can be identified and named before the definition code is written. The name is all that is needed in calling the procedure so the main outline of the program can be written before all the tasks are defined.


Alternatively if it is preferred, the tasks can be written first and tested. If it works you can then forget the details and just remember the name and what the procedure does.




The following example could quite easily be written without procedures but it shows they can be used in a reasonably simple context. Almost any task can be broken down in a similar fashion which means that you never have to worry about more than, say five to thirty lines at any one time. If you can write thirty-line programs well and handle procedures, then you have the capability to write three-hundred-line programs.


You can produce ready made buzz phrases for politicians or others who wish to give an impression of technological fluency without actually knowing anything. Store the following words in three arrays and then produce ten random buzz phrases.
















































We will write a program to produce ten buzzword phrases. The stages of the program are:


1      Store the words in three string arrays.


2      Choose three random numbers which will be the subscripts of the array variables.


3      Print the phrase.


4      Repeat 2 and 3 ten times.





We identify three arrays of which the first two will contain adjectives or words used as adjectives - describing words. The third array will hold the nouns. There are 13 words in each section and the longest word has 16 characters including a hyphen.





first adjectives


second adjectives





We use three procedures to match the jobs identified.


store_data - stores the three sets of thirteen words.

get_random - gets three random numbers in range 1 to 13.

make_phrase - prints a phrase.





This is very simple because the main work is done by the procedures.


Declare (DIM) the arrays


FOR ten phrases








100 REMark ************

110 REMark * Buzzword *

120 REMark ************

130 DIM adjec1$(13,12), adjec2$(13,16), noun$(13,15)

140 store_data

150 FOR phrase = 1 TO 10

160 get_random

170 make_phrase

180 END FOR phrase

190 REMark **************************

200 REMark * Procedure Definitions *

210 REMark **************************

220 DEFine PROCedure store_data

230 REMark *** procedure to store the buzzword data ***

240 RESTORE 420

250 FOR item = 1 TO 13

260READ adjec1$(item), adjec2$(item), noun$(item)

270 END FOR item

280 END DEFine

290 DEFine PROCedure get_random

300 REMark *** procedure to select the phrase ***

310 LET ad1 = RND(1 TO 13)

320 LET ad2 = RND(1 TO 13)

330 LET n = RND(1 TO 13)

340 END DEFine

350 DEFine PROCedure make_phrase

360 REMark *** procedure to print out the phrase ***

370 PRINT ! adjec!$(ad1) ! adjec2$(ad2) ! noun$(n)

380 END DEFine

390 REMark ****************

400 REMark * Program Data *

410 REMark ****************

420 DATA "Full", "fifth-generation", "systems"

430 DATA "Systematic", "knowledge-based", "machines"

440 DATA 'Intelligent","compatible", "computers"

450 DATA "Controlled", "cybernetic", "feedback"

460 DATA "Automated", "user-friendly", "transputers"

470 DATA "Synchronised", "parallel", "micro-chips"

480 DATA "Functional", "Learning", "capability'

490 DATA "Optional", "adaptable", "programming"

500 DATA "Positive" , "modular" , "packages"

510 DATA "Balanced" , "structured", "databases"

520 DATA "Integrated", "logic-oriented", "spreadsheets"

530 DATA "Coordinated", "file-oriented", "word-processors"

540 DATA "Sophisticated", "standardised", "objectives"



Automated fifth-generation capability

Functional learning packages

Full parallel objectives

Positive user-friendly spreadsheets

Intelligent file-oriented capability

Synchronised cybernetic transputers

Functional logic-oriented micro-chips

Positive parallel feedback

Balanced learning databases

Controlled cybernetic objectives



Suppose we wish to draw squares of various sizes and various colours in various positions on the scale graphics screen.

If we define a procedure, "square", to do this it will require four items of information:


length of one side

colour (colour code)

position (across and up)


The square's position is determined by giving two values, across and up, which fix the bottom left hand corner of the square as shown below.



The colour of the square is easily fixed but the square itself uses the values of side and ac and up as follows.


200 DEFine PROCedure square(side,ac,up)

210   LINE ac,up TO ac+side,up

220   LINE TO ac+side,up+side

230   LINE TO ac,up+side TO ac,up

240 END DEFine


In order to make this procedure work values of side, ac and up must be provided. These values are provided when the procedure is called. For example you could add the following main program to get one green square of side 20.



110 INK 4

120 square 20,50,50


The numbers 20,50,50 are called parameters and they are passed to the variables named in the procedure definition thus:



The numbers 20,50,50 are called actual parameters. They are numbers in this case but they could be variables or expressions. The variables side, ac, up are called formal parameters. They must be variables because they 'receive' values.


A more interesting main program uses the same procedure to create a random pattern of coloured pairs of squares. Each pair of squares is obtained by offsetting the second one across and up by one-fifth of the side length thus:



Assuming that the procedure square is still present at line 200 then the following program

will have the classical effect.


100 REMark Squares Pattern

110 PAPER 7 : CLS

120 FOR pair = 1 TO 20

130   INK RND(5)

140   LET side = RND(10 TO 20)

150   LET ac = RND(50) : up = RND(70)

160   square side,ac,up

170   LET ac=ac+side/5 : up = up+side/5

180   square side,ac,up

190 END FOR pair


The advantages of procedures are:


1.             You can use the same code more than once in the same program or in others.


2.             You can break down a task into sub-tasks and write procedures for each sub-task. This helps the analysis and design.


3.             Procedures can be tested separately. This helps the testing and debugging.


4.             Meaningful procedure names and clearly defined beginnings and ends help to make a program readable.


When you get used to properly named procedures with good parameter facilities, you should find that your problem-solving and programming powers are greatly enhanced.




You can score a maximum of 14 points from the following test. Check your score with the "Answers To Self Tests" section at the back of this Beginner's Guide.


1.     How do we normally tackle the problem of great size and complexity in human affairs?


2.     How can this principle be applied in programming?


3.     What are the two most obvious features of a simple procedure definition? (two points)


4.     What are the two main effects of using a procedure name to 'call' the procedure?  (two points)


5.     What is the advantage of using procedure names in a main program before the procedure definitions are written?


6.     What is the advantage of writing a procedure definition before using its name in a main program?


7.     How can the use of procedures help a 'thirty-line-programmer' to write much bigger programs?


8.     Some programs use more memory in defining procedures, but in what circumstances do procedures save memory space?


9.     Name two ways by which information can be passed from main program to a procedure.  (two points)


10.  What is an actual parameter?


11.  What is a formal parameter?




1.     Write a procedure which outputs one of the four suits: 'Hearts', 'Clubs: 'Diamonds' or  'Spades'. Call the procedure five times to get five random suits.


2.     Write another program for problem 1 using a number in the range 1 to 4 as a parameter to determine the output word. If you have already done this, then try writing the program without parameters.


3.     Write a procedure which will output the value of a card that is a number in the range 2 to 10 or one of the words 'Ace', 'Jack' 'Queen', 'King'.


4.     Write a program which calls this procedure five times so that five random values are output.


5.     Write the program of problem 3 again using a number in the range 1 to 13 as a parameter to be passed to the procedure. If this was the method you used first time, then try writing the program without parameters.


6.     Write the most elegant program you can, using procedures, to output four hands of five cards each. Do not worry about duplicate cards. You can take elegance to mean an appropriate mixture of readability shortness and efficiency. Different people and/or different circumstances will place different importance on these three qualities which sometimes work against each other.




If you are familiar with one of the earlier versions of BASIC you may find it possible to omit the first seven chapters and use this chapter instead as a bridge between what you know already and the remaining chapters. If you do this and still find areas of difficulty. it may be helpful to backtrack a little into some of the earlier chapters.


If you have worked through the earlier chapters this one should be easy reading. You may find that, as well as introducing some new ideas, it gives an interesting slant on the way BASIC is developing. Apart from its program structuring facilities SuperBASIC also pushes forward the frontiers of good screen presentation, editing, operating facilities and graphics. In short it is a combination of user-friendliness and computing power which has not existed before.


So, when you make the transition from BASIC to SuperBASIC you are moving not only to a more powerful, more helpful language, you are also moving into a remarkably advanced computing environment.


We will now discuss some of the main features of SuperBASIC and some of the features which distinguish it from other BASICs.




The usual simple arithmetic comparisons are possible. You can write:


LET pet1$ = "CAT"

LET pet2$ = "DOG"

IF pet1$ < pet2$ THEN PRINT "Meow"


The output will be Meow because in this context the symbol < means:


earlier (nearer to A in the alphabet)


SuperBASIC makes comparisons sensible. For example you would expect:


'cat' to come before 'DOG'




'ERD98L' to come before 'ERD746L'


A simplistic approach, blindly using internal character coding, would give the 'wrong' result in both the above cases but try the following program which finds the 'earliest' of two character strings.


100 INPUT item1$, item2$

110 IF item1$ < item2$ THEN PRINT item1$

120 IF item1$ = item2$ THEN PRINT "Equal"

130 IF item1$ > item2$ THEN PRINT item2$


















The Concept Reference Guide section will give full details about the way comparisons of strings are made in SuperBASIC.




Most BASICs have numeric and string variables. As in other BASICs the distinguishing feature of a string variable name in SuperBASIC is the dollar sign on the end. Thus:


















You may not have met such meaningful variable names before though some of the more recent BASICs do allow them. The rules for identifiers in SuperBASIC are given in the Concept Reference Guide. The maximum length of an identifier is 255 characters. Your choice of identifiers is a personal one. Sometimes the longer ones are more helpful in conveying to the human reader what a program should do. But they have to be typed and, as in ordinary English, spade is more sensible than horticultural earth-turning implement. Shorter words are preferred if they convey the meaning but very short words or single letters should be used sparingly. Variable names like X, Z, P3, Q2 introduce a level of abstraction which most people find unhelpful.




SuperBASIC allows integer variables which take only whole-number values. We distinguish  these with a percentage sign thus:






There are now two kinds of numeric variable. We call the other type, which can take whole or fractional values, floating point. Thus you can write:


LET price = 9

LET cost = 7.31

LET count% = 13


But if you write:


LET count% = 5.43


the value of count% will become 5. On the other hand:


LET count% = 5.73


will cause the value of count% to be 6. You can see that SuperBASIC does the best it can, rounding off to the nearest whole number.




The principle of always trying to be intelligently helpful,rather than give an error message or do something obviously unwanted, is carried further. For example, if a string variable mark$ has the value





LET score = mark$


will produce a numeric value of 64 for score. Other versions of BASIC would be likely to halt and say something like:


'Type mis-match'

or 'Nonsense in BASIC'


If the string cannot be converted then an error is reported.




There is one other type of variable in SuperBASIC, or rather the SuperBASIC system makes it seem so. Consider the SuperBASIC statement:


IF windy THEN fly_kite


In other BASICs you might write:




In this case w=1 is a condition or logical expression which is either true or false. If it is true then a subroutine starting at line 300 would be executed. This subroutine may deal with kite flying but you cannot tell from the above line. A careful programmer would write:


IF w=1 THEN GOSUB 300 : REM fly_kite


to make it more readable. But the SuperBASIC statement is readable as it stands. The identifier windy is interpreted as true or false though it is actually a floating point variable. A value of 1 or any non-zero value is taken as true. Zero is taken as false. Thus the single word, windy, has the same effect as a condition of logical expression.


The other word, fly_kite, is a procedure. It does a job similar to, but rather better than, GOSUB 300.


The following program will convey the idea of logical variables and the simplest type of named procedure.


100 INPUT windy

110 IF windy THEN fly_kite

120 IF NOT windy THEN tidy_shed

130 DEFine PROCedure fly_kite

140 PRINT "See it in the air."

150 END DEFine

160 DEFine PROCedure tidy_shed

170 PRINT "Sort out rubbish."

180 END DEFine





Sort out rubbish


See it in the air


See it in the air


See it in the air


You can see that only zero is taken as meaning false. You would not normally write procedures with only one action statement, but the program illustrates the idea and syntax in a very simple context. More is said about procedures later in this chapter.




In SuperBASIC LET is optional but we use it in this manual so that there will be less chance of confusion caused by the two possible uses of =. The meanings of = in:


LET count = 3


and in


IF count = 3 THEN EXIT


are different and the LET helps to emphasise this. However if there are two or a few LET statements doing some simple job such as setting initial values, an exception may be made.


For example:


100 LET first = 0

110 LET second = 0

120 LET third = 0


may be re-written as


100 LET first = 0 : second = 0 : third = 0


without loss of clarity or style. It is also consistent with the general concept of allowing short forms of other constructions where they are used in simple ways.


The colon : is a valid statement terminator and may be used with other statements besides LET.




In a later chapter we will explain how other graphics facilities, such as drawing circles, can be handled but here we outline the pixel-oriented features. There are two modes which may be activated by any of the following:


Low resolution


MODE 256


8 Colour Mode


256 pixels across, 256 down





High resolution


MODE 512


4 Colour Mode


512 pixels across, 256 down



In both modes pixels are addressed by the range of numbers:


       0 - 511 across


and 0 - 255 down


Since mode 8 has only half the number of pixels across the screen as mode 4, mode 8 pixels are twice as wide as mode 4 pixels and so in mode 8 each pixel can be specified by two coordinates. For example:


0 or 1      2 or 3       510 or 511


It also means that you use the same range of numbers for addressing pixels irrespective of the mode. Always think 0-511 across and 0-255 down.


If you are using a television then not all the pixels may be visible.


The colours available are:


MODE 256


MODE 512



























You may find the following mnemonic helpful in remembering the codes:


           Bonny Babies Really Make Good Children, You Wonder


In the high resolution mode each colour can be selected by one of two codes. You will see later how a startling range of colour and stipple (texture) effects can be produced if you have a good quality colour monitor.


Some of the screen presentation keywords are as follows:


INK colour

foreground colour



BORDER width, colour

draw border at edge of screen or window



PAPER colour

background colour



BLOCK width, height, across, down, colour

colour a rectangle which has its top left hand corner at position across, down




When you switch on your QL the screen display is split into three areas called windows as shown below. Note that in order to fit these windows into the area covered by a television screen, some pixels around the border are not used in Television mode.



The windows are identified by #0, #1 and #2 so that you can relate various effects to particular windows. For example:




will clear window #1 (the system chooses) so if you want the left hand area cleared you must type:


CLS #2


If you want a different paper (background colour) type for green:






PAPER #2,4 : CLS #2


If you want to clear window #2 to the background colour green.


The numbers #0, #1 and #2 are called channel numbers. In this particular case they enable you to direct certain effects to the window of your choice. You will discover later that channel numbers have many other uses but for the moment note that all of the following statements may have a channel number. The third column shows the default channel - the one chosen by the system if you do not specify one.


Note that windows may overlap. If you use a TV screen the system automatically overlaps windows #1 and #2 so that more character positions per line are available for program listings.









Character position



Draws block



Draw border



Clear screen



Character size



Position cursor



Causes/cancels flashing



Foreground colour



Effect of printing and graphics



Moves screen sideways



Background colour



Changes colour



Moves screen vertically



Background for printing






Changes existing window



Lists program



Lists directory



Prints characters



Takes keyboard input






Statements or direct commands appear in window #0.


For more details about the syntax or use of these keywords see other parts of the manual.




The program below draws a green rectangle in 256 mode on red paper with a yellow border one pixel wide. The rectangle has its top left corner at pixel co-ordinates 100,100 (see QL Concepts). Its width is 80 units across (40 pixels) and its height is 20 units down (20 pixels).


100 REMark Rectangle

110 MODE 256

120 BORDER 1,6

130 PAPER 2 : CLS

140 BLOCK 80,20,100,100,4


You have to be a bit careful in mode 256 because across values range from 0 to 511 even though there are only 256 pixels. We cannot say that the block produced by the above program is 80 pixels wide so we say 80 units.




SuperBASIC has the usual LET, INPUT, READ and DATA statements for input. The PRINT statement handles most text output in the usual way with the separators:



tabulates output


just separates - no formatting effect


forces new line


normally provides a space but not at the start of line. If an item will not fit at the end of a line it performs a new line operation.


Allows tabulation to a designated column position.


You will be familiar with two types of repetitive loop exemplified as follows:


(a)   Simulate 6 throws of an ordinary six-sided die


100 FOR throw = 1 TO 6

110 PRINT RND(1 TO 6)

120 NEXT throw


(b)   Simulate throws of a die until a six appears.


100 die = RND(1 TO 6)

110 PRINT die

120 IF die <> 6 THEN GOTO 10


Both of these programs will work in SuperBASIC but we recommend the following instead. They do exactly the same jobs. Although program (b) is a little more complex there are good reasons for preferring it.


Program (a)


100 FOR throw = 1 TO 6

110 PRINT RND(1 TO 6)

120 END FOR throw


Program (b)


100 REPeat throws

110 die = RND(1 TO 6)

120 PRINT die

130 IF die = 6 THEN EXIT throws

140 END REPeat throws


It is logical to provide a structure for a loop which terminates on a condition (REPeat loops) as well as those which are controlled by a count.


The fundamental REPeat structure is:


REPeat identifier


END REPeat identifier


The EXIT statement can be placed anywhere in the structure but it must be followed by an identifier to tell SuperBASIC which loop to exit; for example:


EXIT throws


would transfer control to the statement after


END REPeat throws.


This may seem like a using a sledgehammer to crack the nut of the simple problem illustrated. However the REPeat structure is very powerful. It will take you a long way.


If you know other languages you may see that it will do the jobs of both REPEAT and WHILE structures and also cope with other more awkward, situations.

The SuperBASIC REPeat loop is named so that a correct clear exit is made. The FOR loop, like all SuperBASIC structures, ends with END, and its name is given for reasons which will become clear later.


You will also see later how these loop structures can be used in simple or complex situations to match exactly what you need to do. We will mention only three more features of loops at this stage. They will be familiar if you are an experienced user of BASIC.


The increment of the control variable of a FOR loop is normally 1 but you can make it other values by using the STEP keyword. As the examples show.


Example (i).


100 FOR even = 2 TO 10 STEP 2

110 PRINT ! even !

120 END FOR even


output is    2 4 6 8 10


Example (ii).


100 FOR backwards = 9 TO 1 STEP -1

110 PRINT ! backwards !

120 END FOR backwards


output is   9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


The second feature is that loops can be nested. You may be familiar with nested FOR loops. For example the following program outputs four rows of ten crosses.


100 REMark Crosses

110 FOR row = 1 TO 4

120 PRINT 'Row number' ! row

130  FOR cross = 1 TO 10

140  PRINT ! 'X' !

150 END FOR cross


170 PRINT \ 'End of row number' ! row

180 END FOR row


output is:


Row number 1


End of row number 1

Row number 2


End of row number 2

Row number 3


End of row number 3

Row number 4


End of row number 3


A big advantage of SuperBASIC is that it has structures for all purposes, not just FOR loops, and they can all be nested one inside the other reflecting the needs of a task. We can put a REPeat loop in a FOR loop. The program below produces scores of two dice in each row until a seven occurs, instead of crosses.


100 REMark Dice rows

110 FOR row = 1 TO 4

120 PRINT 'Row number '! row

130 REPeat throws

140   LET die1 = RND(1 TO 6)

150   LET die2 = RND(1 TO 6)

160   LET score = die1 + die2

170   PRINT ! score !

180   IF score = 7 THEN EXIT throws

190 END REPeat throws

200 PRINT \'End of row '! row

210 END FOR row


sample output:


Row number 1

8 11 6 3 7

End of row number 1

Row number 2

4 6 2 9 4 5 12 7

End of row number 2

Row number 3


End of row number 3

Row number 4

6 2 4 9 9 7

End of row number 4


The third feature of loops in SuperBASIC allows more flexibility in providing the range of values in a FOR loop. The following program illustrates this by printing all the divisible numbers from 1 to 20. (A divisible number is divisible evenly by a number other than itself or 1.)


100 REMark Divisible numbers

110 FOR num = 4,6,8, TO 10,12,14 TO 16,18, 20

120   PRINT ! num !

130 END FOR num


More will be said about handling repetition in a later chapter but the features described above will handle all but a few uncommon or advanced situations.




You will have noticed the simple type of decision:


IF die = 6 THEN EXIT throws


This is available in most BASICs but SuperBASIC offers extensions of this structure and a completely new one for handling situations with more than two alternative courses of action.


However, you may find the following long forms of IF..THEN useful. They should explain themselves.




100 REMark Long form IF. ..END IF

110 LET sunny = RND(0 TO 1)

120 IF sunny THEN

130 PRINT 'Wear sunglasses'

140 PRINT 'Go for walk'

150 END IF



100 REMark Long form IF...ELSE...END IF

110 LET sunny = RND(0 TO 1)

120 IF sunny THEN

130 PRINT 'Wear sunglasses'

140 PRINT 'Go for walk'

150 ELSE

160 PRINT 'Wear coat'

170 PRINT 'Go to cinema'

180 END IF


The separator THEN, is optional in long forms or it can be replaced by a colon in short forms. The long decision structures have the same status as loops. You can nest them or put other structures into them. When a single variable appears where you expect a condition the value zero will be taken as false and other values as true.




Most BASICs have a GOSUB statement which may be used to activate particular blocks of code called subroutines. The GOSUB statement is unsatisfactory in a number of ways and SuperBASIC offers properly named procedures with some very useful features.


Consider the following programs both of which draw a green 'square' of side length 50 pixel screen units at a position 200 across 100 down on a red background.


 (a) Using GOSUB


100 LET colour = 4 : background = 2

110 LET across = 20

120 LET down = 100

130 LET side = 50

140 GOSUB 170


160 STOP

170 REMark Subroutine to draw square

180 PAPER background : CLS

190 BLOCK side, side, across, down, colour

200 RETurn


(b) Using a procedure with parameters


100 square 4, 50, 20, 100, 2


120 DEFine PROCedure square(colour,side,across,down,background)

130 PAPER background : CLS

140 BLOCK side, side, across, down, colour

150 END DEFine


In the firs t program the values of colour, across, down, side are fixed by LET statements before the GOSUB statement activates lines 180 and 190 Control is then sent back by the RETURN statement.


In the second program the values are given in the first line as parameters in the procedure call, square, which activates the procedure and at the same time provides the values it needs.


In its simplest form a procedure has no parameters. It merely separates a particular piece of code, though even in this simpler use the procedure has the advantage over GOSUB because it is properly named and properly isolated into a self contained unit.


The power and simplifying effects of procedures are more obvious as programs get larger. What procedures do as programs get larger is not so much make programming easier as prevent it from getting harder with increasing program size. The above example just illustrates the way they work in a simple context.



The following examples indicate the range of vocabulary and syntax of SuperBASIC which has been covered in this and earlier chapters, and will form a foundation on which the second part of this manual will build.


The letters of a palindrome are given as single items in DATA statements. The terminating item is an asterisk and you assume no knowledge of the number of letters in the palindrome. READ the letters into an array and print them backwards. Some palindromes such as "MADAM I'M ADAM" only work if spaces and punctuation are ignored. The one used here works properly.


100 REMark Palindromes

110 DIM text$(30)

120 LET text$ = FILL$ (' ',30)

130 LET count = 30

140 REPeat get_letters

150   READ character$

160   IF character$ = '*' THEN EXIT get_letters

170   LET count = count-1

180   LET text$(count) = character$

190 END REPeat get_letters

200 PRINT text$

210 DATA 'A','B','L','E','W','A','S','I','E','R'

220 DATA 'E','I','S','A','W','E','L','B','A','*'


The following program accepts as input numbers in the range 1 to 3999 and converts them into the equivalent In Roman numerals It does not generate the most elegant form. It produces IIII rather than IV.


100 REMark Roman numbers

110 INPUT number

120 RESTORE 210

130 FOR type = 1 TO 7

140   READ letter$, value

150   REPeat output

160     IF number < value : EXIT output

170     PRINT letter$;

180     LET number = number - value

190   END REPeat output

200 END FOR type

210 DATA 'M',1000,'D',500,'C',100,'L',50,'X',10,'V',5,'I',1


You should study the above examples carefully using dry runs if necessary until you are sure that you understand them.




In SuperBASIC full structuring features are provided so that program elements either follow in sequence or fit into one another neatly. All structures must be identified to the system and named. There are many unifying and simplifying features and many extra facilities.


Most of these are explained and illustrated in the remaining chapters of this manual, which should be easier to read than the Keyword and Concept Reference sections. However, it is easier to read because it does not give every technical detail and exhaust every topic which it treats. There may, therefore, be a few occasions when you need to consult the reference sections. On the other hand some major advances are discussed in the following chapters. Few readers will need to use all of them and you may find it helpful to omit certain parts, at least on first reading.




You will have noticed that a program (a sequence of statements) usually gets some data to work on (input) and produces some kind of results (output). You will also have understood that there are internal arrangements for storing this data. In order to avoid unnecessary technical explanations we have suggested that you imagine pigeon holes and that you choose meaningful names for the pigeon holes. For example, if it is necessary to store a number which represents the score from simulated dice-throws you imagine a pigeon hole named score which might contain a number such as 8.


Internally the pigeon holes are numbered and the system maintains a dictionary which connects particular names with particular numbered pigeon holes. We say that the name, score, points to its particular pigeon-hole (by means of the internal dictionary).



The whole arrangement is called a variable.


What you see is the word score. We say that this word, score is an identifier It is what we see and it identifies the concept we need, in this case the result, 8, of throwing a pair of dice. Because the identifier is what we see it becomes the thing we talk or write or think about. We write about score and its value at any particular moment.


There are four simple data types called floating point, integer string and logical and these are explained below We talk about data types rather than variable types because data can occur on its own, for example 3.4 or 'Blue hat' as the value of a variable. But if you understand the different types of variables, you must also understand the different types of data.




1.     A SuperBASIC identifier must begin with a letter and is a sequence of:


upper or lower case letters

digits or underscore


2.     An identifier may be up to 255 characters in length so there is no effective limit in practice.


3.     An identifier cannot be the same as a keyword of SuperBASIC.


4.     An integer variable name is an identifier with % on the end.


5.     A string variable name is an identifier with $ on the end.


6.     No other identifiers must use the symbols % and $.


7.     An identifier should usually be chosen so that it means something to a human reader but for SuperBASIC it does not have any particular meaning other than that it identifies certain things.




Examples of the use of floating point variables are:


100 LET days = 24

110 LET sales = 3649.84

120 LET sales_per_day = sales/days

130 PRINT sales_per_day


The value of a floating point variable may be anything in the range:

± 10-615  to ± 10+615  with 8 significant figures.


Suppose in the above program sales were, exceptionally only 3p. Change line 110 to:


110 LET sales = 0.03


This system will change this to:


110 LET sales = 3E-2


To interpret this, start with 3 or 3.0 and move the decimal point -2 places, i.e. two places left. This shows that:


3E-2 is the same as 0.03


After running the program, the average daily sales are:


1.25E-3 which is the same as 0.00125


Numbers with an E are said to be in exponent form:


(mantissa) E (exponent) = (mantissa) x 10 to the power (exponent)




Integer variables can have only whole number values in the range -32678 to 32768. The following are examples of valid integer variable names which must end with %.


LET count% = 10

LET six_tally% = RND(10)

LET number_3% = 3


The only disadvantage of integer variables, when whole numbers are required, is the slightly misleading % symbol on the end of the identifier. It has nothing to do with the concept of percentage. It is just a convenient symbol tagged on to show that the variable is an integer.




Using a function is a bit like making an omelette. You put in an egg which is processed according to certain rules (the recipe) and get out an omelette. For example the function INT takes any number as input and outputs the whole number part. Anything which is input to a function is called a parameter or argument. INT is a function which gives the integer part of an expression. You may write:




and 5 would be the output. We say that 5.6 is the parameter and the function returns the value 5. A function may have more than one parameter. You have already met:


RND(1 TO 6)


which is a function with two parameters. But functions always return exactly one value. This must be so because you can put functions into expressions. For example:


PRINT 2 * INT(5.6)


would produce the output 10. It is an important property of functions that you can use them in expressions. It follows that they must return a single value which is then used in the expression. INT and RND are system functions: they come with the system, but later you will see how to write your own.


The following examples show common uses of the INT function.


100 REMark Rounding

110 INPUT decimal

120 PRINT INT(decimal + 0.5)


In the example you input a decimal fraction and the output is rounded. Thus 4.7 would become 5 but 4.3 would become 4.


You can achieve the same result using an integer variable and coercion.


Trigonometrical functions will be dealt with in a later section but other common numeric functions are given in the list below.





Returned values




Absolute or unsigned value









Integer part of a floating point number









Square root









There is a way of computing square roots which is easy to understand. To compute the square root of 8 first make a guess. It doesn't matter how bad the guess maybe. Suppose you simply take half of 8 as the first guess which is 4.


Because 4 is greater than the square root of 8 then 8/4 must be less than it. The reverse is also true. If you had guessed 2 which is less than the square root then 8/2 must be greater than it.


It follows that if we take any guess and computer number/guess we have two numbers, one too small and one too big. We take the average of these numbers as our next approximation and thus get closer to the correct answer.


We repeat this process until successive approximations are so close as to make little difference:


100 REMark Square Roots

110 LET number = 8

120 LET approx = number/2

130 REPeat root

140   LET newval = (approx + number/approx)/2

150   IF newval == approx THE EXIT root

160   LET approx = newval

170 END REPeat root

180 PRINT 'Square root of' ! number ! 'is' ! newval


sample output:


Square root of 8 is 2.828427


Notice that the conditional EXIT from the loop must be in the middle. The traditional structures do not cope with this situation as well as SuperBASIC does. The == sign in line 150 means "approximately equal to", that is, equal to within .0000001 of the values being compared.




SuperBASIC allows the usual mathematical operations. You may notice that they are like functions with exactly two operands each. It is also conventional in these cases to put an operand on each side of the symbol. Sometimes the operation is denoted by a familiar symbol such as + or *. Sometimes the operation is denoted by a keyword like DIV or MOD but there is no real difference. Numeric operations have an order of priority. For example, the result of:


PRINT 7 + 3*2


is 13 because the multiplication has a higher priority. However:


PRINT (7+3)*2


will output 20, because brackets over-ride the usual priority. As you will see later so many things can be done with SuperBASIC expressions that a full statement about priority cannot be made at this stage (see the Concept Reference Guide if you wish) but the operations we now deal with have the following order of priority:


highest - raising to a power

multiplication and division (including DIV, MOD)

lowest - add and subtract


The symbols + and - are also used with only one operand which simply denotes positive or negative. Symbols used in this way have the highest priority of all and can only be over-ridden by the use of brackets.


Finally if two symbols have equal priority the leftmost operation is performed first so that:


PRINT 7-2 + 5


will cause the subtraction before the addition. This might be important if you should ever deal with very large or very small numbers.


































Do not divide by zero

Raise to power





Integer divide


-8 DIV 2

7 DIV 2



Integers only

Do not divide by zero



13 MOD 5

21 MOD 7

-17 MOD 8








Modulus returns the remainder part of a division. Any attempt to divide by zero will generate an error and terminate program execution.




Strictly speaking, a numeric expression is an expression which evaluates to a number and there are more possibilities than we need to discuss here. SuperBASIC allows you to do complex things if you want to but it also allows you to do simple things in simple ways. In this section we concentrate on those usual straightforward uses of mathematical features.


Basically numeric expressions in SuperBASIC are the same as those of mathematics but you must put the whole expression in the form of a sequence.





becomes in SuperBASIC (or other BASIC):


(5 + 3)/(6 - 4)


In secondary school algebra there is an expression for one solution of a quadratic equation:


ax2 + bx + c = 0


One solution in mathematical notation is:



If we start with the equation:


2x2 - 3x + 1 = 0


Example 1


The following program will find one solution.



100 READ a,b,c

110 PRINT 'Root is' ! (-b+SQRT(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)

120 DATA 2,-3,1


Example 2



In problems which need to simulate the dealing of cards you can make cards correspond to the numbers 1 to 52 as follows:


1 to 13

14 to 26

27 to 39

40 to 52

Ace, two........king of hearts

Ace, two........king of clubs

Ace, two........king of diamonds

Ace, two........king of spades


A particular card can be identified as follows:


100 REM Card identification

110 LET card = 23

120 LET suit = (card-1) DIV 13

130 LET value = card MOD 13

140 IF value = 0 THEN LET value = 13

150 IF value = 1 THEN PRINT "Ace of ";

160 IF value >= 2 AND value <= 10 THEN PRINT value ! "of ";

170 IF value = 11 THEN PRINT "Jack of ";

180 IF value = 12 THEN PRINT "Queen of ";

190 IF value = 13 THEN PRINT "King of ";

200 IF suit = 0 THEN PRINT "hearts"

210 IF suit = 1 THEN PRINT "clubs"

220 IF suit = 2 THEN PRINT "diamonds"

230 IF suit = 3 THEN PRINT "spades"


There are new ideas in this program. They are in line 160. The meaning is clearly that the number is actually printed only if two logical statements are true. These are:


value is greater than or equal to 2 AND value is less than or equal to 10


Cards outside this range are either aces or 'court cards' and must be treated differently


Note also the use of ! in the PRINT statement to provide a space and ; to ensure that output continues on the same line.


There are two groups of mathematical functions which we have not discussed here. They are the trigonometric and logarithmic. You may need the former in organising screen displays. Types of functions are also fully defined in the reference section.




Strictly speaking, SuperBASIC does not allow logical variables but it allows you to use other variables as logical ones. For example you can run the following program:


100 REMark Logical Variable

110 LET hungry = 1

120 IF hungry THEN PRINT "Have a bun"


You expect a logical expression in line 120 but the numeric variable, hungry is there on its own. The system interprets the value, 1, of hungry as true and the output is:


Have a bun


If line 110 read:


LET hungry = 0


there would be no output. The system interprets zero as false and all other values as true. That is useful but you can disguise the numeric quality of hungry by writing:


100 REMark Logical Variable

110 LET true = 1 : false = 0

120 LET hungry = true

130 IF hungry THEN PRINT "Have a bun"




There is much to be said about handling strings and string variables and this is left to a separate chapter.




1.     A rich oil dealer gambles by tossing a coin in the following way. If it comes down heads he gets 1. If it comes down tails he throws again but the possible reward is doubled. This is repeated so that the rewards are as shown.



















By simulating the game try to decide what would be a fair initial payment for each such game:


     (a)       if the player is limited to a maximum of seven throws per game.

    (b)       if there is no maximum number of throws


2.     Bill and Ben agree to gamble as follows. At a given signal each divides his money into two halves and passes one half to the other player. Each then divides his new total and passes half to the other. Show what happens as the game proceeds if Bill starts with 16p and Ben starts with 64p.


3.     What happens if the game is changed so that each hands over an amount equal to half of what the other possesses?


4.     Write a program which forms random three letter words chosen from A,B,C,D and prints them until ' BAD ' appears.


5.     Modify the last program so that it terminates when any real three letter word appears.




If you have read previous chapters you will probably agree that repetition, decision making and breaking tasks into sub-tasks are major concepts in problem analysis, program design and encoding programs. Two of these concepts, repetition and decision making, need logical expressions such as those in the following program lines:


IF score = 7 THEN EXIT throws

IF suit = 3 THEN PRINT "spades"


The first enables EXIT from a REPeat loop. The second is simply a decision to do something or not. A mathematical expression evaluates to one of millions of possible numeric values. Similarly a string expression can evaluate to millions of possible strings of characters. You may find it strange that logical expressions, for which great importance is claimed, can evaluate to one of only two possible values: true or false.


In the case of


score = 7


this is obviously correct. Either score equals 7 or it doesn't! The expression must be true or false - assuming that it's not meaningless. It may be that you do not know the value at some time, but that will be put right in due course.


You have to be a bit more careful of expressions involving words such as OR, AND, NOT but they are well worth investigating - indeed, they are essential to good programming. They will become even more important with the trend towards other kinds of languages based more on precise descriptions of what you require rather than what the computer must do.




The word AND in SuperBASIC is like the word 'and' in ordinary English. Consider the following program.


100 REMark AND

110 PRINT "Enter two values" \ "1 for TRUE or 0 for FALSE"

120 INPUT raining, hole_in_roof

130 IF raining AND hole_in_roof THEN PRINT "Get wet"


As in real life, you will only get wet if it is raining and there is a hole in the roof. If one (or both) of the simple logical variables





is false then the compound logical expression


raining AND hole_in_roof


is also false. It takes two true values to make the whole expression true. This can be seen from the rules below. Only when the compound expression is true do you get wet.




raining and hole_in_roof


























Rules for AND




In everyday life the word 'or' is used in two ways. We can illustrate the inclusive use of OR by thinking of a cricket captain looking for players. He might ask "Can you bat or bowl?" He would be pleased if a player could do just one thing well but he would also be pleased if someone could do both. So it is in programming: a compound expression using OR is true if either or both of the simple statements or variables are true. Try the following program.


100 REMark OR test

110 PRINT "Enter two values" \ "1 for TRUE or 0 for FALSE"

120 INPUT "Can you bat?", batsman

130 INPUT "Can you bowl?", bowler

140 IF batsman OR bowler THEN PRINT "In the team"


You can see the effects of different combinations of answers in the rules below:




batsman OR bowler





















not in team

in the team

in the team

in the team


Rules for OR


When the inclusive OR is used a true value in either of the simple statements will produce a true value in the compound expression. If Ian Botham, the England all rounder were to answer the questions both as a bowler and as a batsman, both simple statements would be true and so would the compound expression. He would be in the team.


If you write 0 for false and 1 for true you will get all the possible combinations by counting in binary numbers:








The word NOT has the obvious meaning.


NOT true is the same as false

NOT false is the same as true


However you need to be careful. Suppose you hold a red triangle and say that it is:


NOT red AND square


In English this may be ambiguous.


If you mean:


(NOT red) AND square


then for a red triangle the expression is false.


If you mean:


NOT (red AND square)


then for a red triangle the whole expression is true. There must be a rule in programming to make it clear what is meant. The rule is that NOT takes precedence over AND so the interpretation:


(NOT red) AND square


is the correct one This is the same as:


NOT red AND square


To get the other interpretation you must use brackets. If you need to use a complex logical expression it is best to use brackets and NOT if their usage naturally reflects what you want. But you can if you wish always remove brackets by using the following laws (attributed to Augustus De Morgan)


NOT (a AND b)

is the same as


NOT (a OR b)

is the same as



For example:

NOT (tall AND fair) is the same as

NOT tall OR NOT fair

NOT (hungry OR thirsty) is the same as

NOT hungry AND NOT thirsty


Test this by entering


100 REMark NOT and brackets

110 PRINT "Enter two values"\"1 for TRUE or 0 for FALSE"

120 INPUT "tall "; tall

130 INPUT "fair "; fair

140 IF NOT (tall AND fair) THEN PRINT "FIRST"



Whatever combination of numbers you give as input, the output will always be either two words or none, never one. This will suggest that the two compound logical expressions are  equivalent.


XOR-Exclusive OR


Suppose a golf professional wanted an assistant who could either run the shop or give golf lessons. If an applicant turned up with both abilities he might not get the job because the golf professional might fear that such an able assistant would try to take over. He would accept a good golfer who could not run the shop. He would also accept a poor golfer who could run the shop. This is an exclusive OR situation: either is acceptable but not both. The following program would test applicants:


100 REMark XOR test

110 PRINT "Enter 1 for yes or 0 for no."

120 INPUT "Can you run a shop?", shop

130 INPUT "Can you teach golf?", golf

140 IF shop XOR golf THEN PRINT "Suitable"


The only combinations of answers that will cause the output "Suitable" are (0 and 1) or

(1 and 0). The rules for XOR are given below.


Able to run shop

Able to teach

Shop XOR teach





















No job

Gets the job

Gets the job

No job


rules for XOR




The order of priority for the logical operators is (highest first):




For example the expression


rich OR tall AND fair


means the same as:


rich OR (tall AND fair)


The AND operation is performed first. To prove that the two logical expressions have identical effects run the following program:


100 REMark Priorities

110 PRINT "Enter three values"\"Type 1 for Yes and 0 for No"!

120 INPUT rich,tall,fair

130 IF rich OR tall AND fair THEN PRINT "YES"

140 IF rich OR (tall AND fair) THEN PRINT "AYE"


Whatever combination of three zeroes or ones you input at line 120 the output will be either nothing or:





You can make sure that you test all possibilities by entering data which forms eight three digit binary numbers 000 to 111


000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111




1.             Place ten numbers in a DATA statement. READ each number and if it is greater than 20 then print it.


2.             Test all the numbers from 1 to 100 and print only those which are perfect squares or divisible by 7


3.             Toys are described as Safe (S), or Unsafe (U), Expensive (E) or Cheap (C), and either for Girls (G),Boys (B) or Anyone (A). A trio of letters encodes the qualities of each toy. Place five such trios in a DATA statement and then search it printing only those which are safe and suitable for girls.


4.             Modify program 3 to print those which are expensive and not safe.


5.             Modify program 3 to print those which are safe, not expensive and suitable for anyone.




You have used string variables to store character strings and you know that the rules for manipulating string variables or string constants are not the same as those for numeric variables or numeric constants. SuperBASIC offers a full range of facilities for manipulating character strings effectively. In particular the concept of string-slicing both extends and simplifies the business of handling substrings or slices of a string.




Storage for string variables is allocated as it is required by a program. For example, the lines:


100 LET words$ = "LONG"

110 LET words$ = "LONGER"

120 PRINT words$


would cause the six letter word, LONGER, to be printed. The first line would cause space for four letters to be allocated but this allocation would be overruled by the second line which requires space for six characters.


It is, however, possible to dimension (i.e. reserve space for) a string variable, in which case the maximum length becomes defined, and the variable behaves as an array.




You may wish to construct records in data processing from a number of sources. Suppose, for example, that you are a teacher and you want to store a set of three marks for each student in Literature, History and Geography. The marks are held in variables as shown:











As part of student record keeping you may wish to combine the three string values into one six-character string called mark$. You simply write:


LET mark$ = lit$ & hist$ & geog$


You have created a further variable as shown:





But remember that you are dealing with a character string which happens to contain number characters rather than an actual number. Note that in SuperBASIC the & symbol is used to join strings together whereas in some other BASICs, the + symbol is used for that purpose.




A string slice is part of a string. It may be anything from a single character to the whole string. In order to identify the string slice you need to know the positions of the required characters.


Suppose you are constructing a children's game in which they have to recognise a word hidden in a jumble of letters. Each letter has an internal number - an index - corresponding to its position in the string. Suppose the whole string is stored in the variable jumble$ and the clue is Big cat.



You can see that the answer is defined by the numbers 6 to 9 which indicate where it is. You can abstract the answer as shown :


100 jumble$ = "APQOLLIONATSUZ"

110 LET an$ = jumble$(6 TO 9)

120 PRINT an$




Now suppose that you wish to change the hidden animal into a bull. You can write two extra lines:


130 LET jumble$(6 TO 9) = "BULL"

140 PRINT jumble$


The output from the whole five-line program is:





All string variables are initially empty, they have length zero. If you attempt to copy a string into a string-slice which has insufficient length then the assignment may not be recognised by SuperBASIC.


If you wish to copy a string into a string-slice then it is best to ensure the destination string is long enough by padding it first with spaces.



110 LET student$ = ""

120 LET student$(9 TO 13) = subject$(9 TO 13)


We say that "BULL" is a slice of the string "APQOLBULLATSUZ". The defining phrase:


(6 TO 9)


is called a slicer. It has other uses. Notice how the same notation may be used on both sides

of the LET statement. If you want to refer to a single character it would be clumsy to write:


jumble$(6 TO 6)


just to pick out the "B" (possibly as a clue) so you can write instead:




to refer to a single character




Suppose you have a variable, mark$ holding a record of examination marks. The slice

giving the history mark may be extracted and scaled up, perhaps because the history

teacher has been too strict in the marking. The following lines will extract the history



100 LET mark$ = "625671"

110 LET hist$ = mark$(3 TO 4)

The problem now is that the value "56" of the variable, hist$ is a string of characters not numeric data. If you want to scale it up by multiplying by say 1.125, the value of hist$ must be converted to numeric data first, SuperBASIC will do this conversion automatically when we type:


120 LET num = 1 .125 * hist$


Line 120 converts the string "56" to the number 56 and multiplies it by 1.125 giving 63.


Now we should replace the old mark by the new mark but now the new mark is still the number 63 and before it can be inserted back into the original string it must be converted back to the string '63'. Again SuperBASIC will convert the number automatically when we type:


130 LET mark$(3 TO 4) = num

140 PRINT mark$


The output from the whole program is:




which shows the history mark increased to 63.


Strictly speaking it is illegal to mix data types in a LET statement. It would be silly to write:


LET num = "LION"


and you would get an error message if you tried, but if you write:


LET num = "65"


the system will conclude that you want the number 65 to become the value of num and do

that. The complete program is:


100 LET mark$ = "625671"

110 LET hist$ = mark$(3 TO 4)

120 LET num = 1.125 * hist$

130 LET mark$(3 TO 4) = num

140 PRINT mark$


Again the output is the same!


In line 120 a string value was converted into numeric form so that it could be multiplied; In line 130 a number was converted into string form. This converting of data types is known as type coercion.


You can write the program more economically if you understand both string-slicing and coercion now:


100 LET mark$ = "625671"

110 LET mark$(3 TO 4) = 1 .125 * mark$(3 TO 4)

120 PRINT mark$


If you have worked with other BASICs you will appreciate the simplicity and power of string-slicing and coercion.




You can search a string for a given substring. The following program displays a jumble of letters and invites you to spot the animal.


100 REM Animal Spotting

110 LET jumble$ = "SYNDICATE"

120 PRINT jumble$

130 INPUT "What is the animal?" ! an$

140 IF an$ INSTR jumble$ AND an$(1) = "C"

150   PRINT "Correct"

160 ELSE

170   PRINT "Not correct"

180 END IF


The operator INSTR, returns zero if the guess is incorrect. If the guess is correct INSTR returns the number which is the starting position of the string-slice, in this case 6.


Because the expression:


an$ INSTR jumble$


can be treated as a logical expression the position of the string in a successful search can

be regarded as true, while in an unsuccessful search it can be regarded as false.




You have already met LEN which returns the length (number of characters) of a string. You may wish to repeat a particular string or character several times. For example, if you wish to output a row of asterisks, rather than actually enter forty asterisks in a PRINT statement or organise a loop you can simply write:


PRINT FILL$ ("*",40)


Finally it is possible to use the function CHR$ to convert internal codes into string characters. For example:




would output A.




A great deal of computing is concerned with organising data so that it can be searched quickly. Sometimes it is necessary to sort it in to alphabetical order. The basis of various sorting processes is the facility for comparing two strings to see which comes first. Because the letters A,B,C ... are internally oded as 65,66,67 .... it is natural to regard as correct the following statements:


A is less than B

B is less than C


and because internal character by character comparison is automatically provided:


CAT is less than DOG

CAN is less than CAT


You can write, for example:




and the output would be:








would give the output:




We use the comparison symbols of mathematics for string comparisons. All the following logical statements expressions are both permissible and true.


"ALF" < "BEN"

"KIT" > "BEN"

"KIT" <= "LEN"

"KIT" >= "KIT"

"PAT" >= "LEN"

"LEN" <= "LEN"

"PAT" <> "PET"


So far comparisons based simply on internal codes make sense, but data is not always conveniently restricted to upper case letters. We would like, for example:


Cat to be less than COT

and K2N to be less than K27N


A simple character by character comparison based on internal codes would not give these results, so SuperBASIC behaves in a more intelligent way. The following program, with suggested input and the output that will result, illustrates the rules for comparison of strings.


100 REMark comparisons

110 REPeat comp

120   INPUT "input a string" ! first$

130   INPUT "input another string" ! second$

140   IF first$ < second$ THEN PRINT "Less"

150   IF first$ > second$ THEN PRINT "Greater"

160   IF first$ = second$ THEN PRINT "Equal"

170 END REPeat comp

































>  Greater than - Case dependent comparision, numbers compared in numerical order


<  Less than - Case dependent, numbers compared in numerical order


=  Equals - Case dependent, strings must be the same


== Equivalent - String must be 'almost' the same, Case independent, numbers compared in numerical order


>= Greater than or equal to - Case dependent, numbers compared in numerical order


<= Less than or equal to Case dependent, numbers compared in numerical order.





1.     Place 12 letters, all different, in a string variable and another six letters in a second string variable. Search the first string for each of the six letters in turn saying in each case whether it is found or not found.


2.     Repeat using single character arrays instead of strings. Place twenty random upper case letters in a string and list those which are repeated.


3.     Write a program to read a sample of text all in upper case letters. Count the frequency of each letter and print the results.




4.     Write a program to count the number of words in the following text. A word is recognised because it starts with a letter and is followed by a space, full stop or other punctuation character.




5.     Rewrite the last program illustrating the use of logical variables and procedures.




SuperBASIC has so extended the scope and variety of facilities for screen presentation that we describe the features in two sections: Simple Printing and Screen.


The first section describes the output of ordinary text. Here we explain the minimal well established methods of displaying messages, text, or numerical output. Even in this mundane section there is innovation in the concept of the 'intelligent' space an example of combining ease of use with very useful effects.


The second section is much bigger because it has a great deal to say. The wide range of features actually makes things easier For example, you can draw a circle by simply writing the word CIRCLE followed by a few details to define such things as its position and size. Many other systems require you to understand some geometry and trigonometry in order to do what is, in concept, simple.


Each keyword has been carefully chosen to reflect the effect it causes. WINDOW defines an area of the screen: BORDER puts a border round it; PAPER defines the background colour; INK determines the colour of what you put on the paper.


If you work through this chapter and get a little practice you will easily remember which keyword causes which effect. You will add that extra quality to your programming fairly easily. With experience you may see why computer graphics is becoming a new art form.




The keyword PRINT can be followed by a sequence of print items. A print item may be any of:

text such as: "This is text"


variables such as : num, word$

expressions such as : 3 * num, day$ & week$


Print items may be mixed in any print statement but there must be one or more print separators between each pair. Print separators may be any of:


;    No effect - it just separates print items.


!    Normally inserts a space between output items. If an item will not fit on the current line it behaves as a new line symbol. If the item is at the start of line a space is not generated.


,    A tabulator causes the output to be tabulated in columns of 8 characters


\    A new line symbol will force a new line.


TO Allows tabbing.


The numbers 1,2,3 are legitimate print items and are convenient for illustrating the effects

of print separators









100 PRINT 1,2,3


100 print 1 ! 2 ! 3 !


100 PRINT 1 \ 2 \ 3




100 PRINT 1 ; 2 ; 3


100 PRINT “This is text”


100 LET word$ = “ “

110 PRINT word$


100 LET num = 13

110 PRINT num


100 LET an$ = “yes”

110 PRINT “I say“ ! an$


110 PRINT”Sum is” ! 4+2



1       2       3


1 2 3








This is text


Moves print position






I say yes



Sum is 6




You can position print output anywhere on the screen with the AT command.


For example:


AT 10,15 : PRINT "This is on row 10 at column 15"


The CURSOR command can be used to position the print output anywhere on the screen's scale system. For example:


CURSOR 100,150 : PRINT "this is 100 pixel grid units across and 150 down"


If you read the Keyword Reference Guide you may find it difficult to reconcile the section on PRINT with the above description. Two of the difficulties disappear if you understand that:


Text in quotes, variables and numbers are all strictly speaking, expressions: they are the simplest (degenerate) forms of expressions.


Print separators are strictly classified as print items.




This section introduces general effects which apply whether you wish to output text or graphics. The statement:


MODE 8 or MODE 256


will select MODE 8 in which there are:


256 pixels across numbered 0 511 (two numbers per pixel)

256 pixels down numbered 0-255

8 colours


A pixel is the smallest area of colour which can be displayed. We use the term, solid colour because these start with ordinary solid-looking colours of which there are only eight. However, by using various effects a variety of shades and textures can be achieved. If you are using your QL with an ordinary television set then the television set will not be able to reproduce any of these extra effects.


The statement:


MODE 4 or MODE 512


will select MODE 4 in which there are:


512 pixels across numbered 0 to 511

256 pixels down numbered 0 to 255

4 colours





You can select a colour by using the following code in combination with suitable keywords such as PAPER, INK etc. Note that the numbers by themselves mean nothing. The numbers are only interpreted as colours when they are used with PAPER and INK, etc.



8 Colour Mode






4 Colour Mode































For example INK 3 would give magenta in MODE 8.




You can if you wish specify two colours in a suitable statement. For example 2,4 would give a chequerboard stipple as shown. In each group of four pixels two would be red (code 2) corresponding to the colour selected first. The other two pixels would be a contrast It is not really possible to display this effect on a domestic television set.



If you write:


INK 2,4


the mix colour is formed from the two codes 2 and 4. We will call these choices colour and contrast!


INK colour, contrast


You can find out what the stipple effects are by trying them but we give more technical details below.


100 REMark Colour/Contrast

110 FOR colour = 0 TO 7 STEP 2

120   PAPER colour : CLS

140   FOR contrast = 0 TO 7 STEP 2

150     BLOCK 100,50,40,50,colour,contrast

160     PAUSE 50

170   END FOR contrast

180 END FOR colour


If you wish to try different stipples you can add a third code number to the colour specification. For example:


INK 2,4,1


would specify a red and green horizontal stripe effect. A block of four pixels would be:





You can specify a colour/stipple effect as described above by using three numbers. For example:


INK colour, contrast, stipple


could be used with :


colour in range 0 to 7

contrast in range 0 to 7

stipple in range 0 to 3


You could achieve the same effect with a single number if you wish though it is not so

easy to construct. See the Concept Reference Guide - colour.


The following program will display all the possible colour effects:


100 REMark Colour Effects

110 FOR num = 0 TO 255

120   BLOCK 100,50,40,50,num

130   PAUSE 50

140 END FOR num




PAPER followed by one, two or three numbers specifies the background. For example:





{red/green chequerboard}

PAPER 2,4,1

{red/green horizontal stripes}


The colour will not be visible until something else is done, for example, the screen is cleared by typing CLS.




INK followed by one, two or three numbers specifies the colour for printing characters, lines or other graphics. The colour and stipple effects are the same as for PAPER.  For example:



{red ink}

INK 2,4

{red/green chequerboard ink 3}

INK 2,4,1

{red/green horizontal striped ink}


The ink will be changed for all subsequent output.




CLS means clear the window to the current paper colour - like a teacher cleaning a blackboard, except that it is electronic and multi-coloured.




You can make the ink colour flash in mode 8 only. To turn flash on you might type:




and to turn it off:




Allowing flashing characters to overlap can produce alarming results.




You will have used Microdrives for storing programs and you will have used the commands LOAD and SAVE. Cartridges can be used for storing data as well as programs. The word file usually means a sequence of data records, a record being some set of related information such as name, address and telephone number.


Two of the most widely used types of file are serial and direct access files. Items in a serial file are usually read in sequence starting with the first. If you want the fiftieth record you have to read the first forty-nine in order to find it. On the other hand the fiftieth record in a direct access file can be found quickly because the system does not need to work through the earlier records to get it. Pop music on a cassette is like a serial file but eight pieces on a long playing record form a direct access file. You

can move the pick up arm directly onto any of the eight tracks.


The simplest possible type of file is just a sequence of numbers. To illustrate the idea we will place the numbers 1 to 100 in a file called numbers. However the complete file name is made up of two parts:


device name

appended information


Suppose that we wish to create the file, numbers, on a cartridge in Microdrive 1. The device name is:




and the appended information is just the name of the file:




So the complete file name is:






It is possible for a program to use several files at once, but it is more convenient to refer to a file by an associated channel number This can be any integer in the range 0 to 15. A file is associated with a channel number by using the OPEN statement or, if it is a new file, OPEN_NEW. For example you may choose channel 7 for the numbers file and write:



You can now refer to the file just by quoting the number #7. The complete program is:


100 REMark simple file

110 OPEN_NEW #7,mdv1_numbers

120 FOR number = 1 TO 100

130   PRINT #7,number

140 END FOR number

150 CLOSE #7


The PRINT statement causes the numbers to be 'printed' on the cartridge file because #7 has been associated with it. The CLOSE #7 statement is necessary because the system has some internal work to do when the file has been used. It also releases channel 7 for other possible uses. After the program has executed type


DIR mdv1_


and the directory should show that the file numbers exists on the cartridge in Microdrive mdv1_ .


You also need to know that the file is correct and you can only be certain of this if the file is read and checked. The necessary keyword is OPEN_IN, otherwise the program for reading data from a file is similar to the previous one.


100 REMark Reading a file

110 OPEN IN #6, mdv1_numbers

120 FOR item = 1 TO 100

130 INPUT #6, number

140 PRINT ! number !

150 END FOR item

160 CLOSE #6


The program should output the numbers 1 to 100, but only if the cartridge containing  the file "numbers" is still in Microdrive mdv1_.




You have seen one example of a device, a file of data on a Microdrive. We may say loosely that a file has been opened but strictly we mean that a device has been associated with a particular channel. Any further necessary information has also been provided. Certain devices have channels permanently associated with them by the system:















OUTPUT – command window

INPUT – keyboard

OUTPUT – print window

LIST – list output



You can create a window of any size anywhere on the screen. The device name for a window is:




and the appended information is, for example:



The following program creates a window with the channel number 5 and fills it with green (code 4) and then closes it:


100 REMark Create a window

110 OPEN #5, scr_400x200a20x50

120 PAPER #5,4 : CLS #5

130 CLOSE #5


Notice that each window can have its own features such as paper ink, etc. The fact that a window has been opened does not mean that it is the current default window.


You can change the position or shape of an opened window without closing it and reopening it. Try adding two lines to the previous program:


124 WINDOW #5,300,100,110,65

126 PAPER #5,2 : CLS #5


Re-run the program and you will find a red window within the original green one. This red window is now the one associated with channel 5, see figure.




You can place a border round the edge of the screen or a window. For example:




would create a border round the channel #5 window. It would be 6 units thick and the size of the window would be correspondingly reduced. The border would be transparent, protecting anything that was under it. You can specify a coloured border by the usual method.


BORDER #5,6,2


would produce a red border. You can make a border of other colours and textures by the usual methods. For example,




Will add a 10 pixel thick transparent border to the current window (transparent because no colour was specified) and


BORDER 2,0,7,0


Will add a 2 pixel thick black and white stipple border.




You can specify a block's size, position and colour with a single statement. It is placed  in the pixel co-ordinate system relative to the current window or screen. For example:


BLOCK #5,10,20,50,100,2


would create a block in the # 5 window at a position 50 units across and 100 units down. It would be 10 units wide and 20 units high. Its colour would be red.


It is worth noting that WINDOW and BLOCK statements work without alteration in 4 and 8 colour mode (though the colours may vary) because the across values are always on a 0 to 511 scale and there are always 256 pixel positions down.




You can alter the size of characters. For example:




will give the largest possible characters and:




will give the smallest. The first number must be 0, 1, 2 or 3 and determines the width. The second must be 0 or 1 and determines the height. The normal sizes are:


MODE 4    CSIZE 0,0


MODE 8    CSIZE 2,0


The number of lines and columns available for each character size is dependent on whether the output is viewed on a monitor or on a television set: the row and column sizes given are for a monitor; those for a television set will be smaller and also will vary between different televisions.


If you are using low resolution mode the QL will not allow you to select a character size smaller than default size.




You can provide a special background for characters to make them stand out. For example:




will give a white strip while


STRIP 2,4,2


will give a red/green vertical striped strip. All the normal colour combinations are possible.




Normally printing occurs on the current paper colour. You can alter this by using strip. You can make further effects by using:


OVER 1     1 prints in ink on a transparent strip

OVER -1    -1 prints in ink over existing display on screen


To revert to normal printing on current strip use:






You can underline characters.


UNDER 1    underlines all subsequent output in the current ink

UNDER 0    switches off underling.




If you wish to draw reasonably true geometric figures on a TV or video screen you cannot easily use a pixel-based system. If you use scale graphics then the system will do the necessary work to ensure that you can fairly easily draw reasonable circles, squares and other shapes.


The default scale of the graphics coordinate system is 100 in the vertical direction and whatever is needed in the across direction to ensure that shapes drawn with the special graphics keywords (PLOT, DRAW, CIRCLE) are true.


The graphics origin is not the same as the pixel origin which is used to define the position of windows and blocks. The graphics origin is at the bottom left hand corner of the current screen or window.




It is easy to draw points and lines using scale graphics. Using a vertical scale of 100 a point near the centre of the window can be plotted with:


POINT 60,50


The point (60 units across and 50 units up) will be plotted in the current ink colour. Similarly a line may be drawn with the statement:


LINE 60,50 TO 80,90


Further elements can be added. For example, the following will draw a square:


LINE 60,50 TO 70,50 TO 70,60 TO 60,60 TO 60,50





Pair of coordinates such as:


across, up


normally define a point relative to the origin 0,0 in the bottom left hand corner of a window (or elsewhere if you choose). It is sometimes more convenient to define points relative to the current cursor position. For example the square above may be plotted in another way using the LINE_R statement which means:


"Make all pairs of coordinates relative to the current cursor position."


POINT 60,50

LINE_R 0,0 TO 10,0 TO 0,10 TO -10,0 TO 0,-10


First the point 60,50 becomes the origin, then, as lines are drawn, the end of a line becomes the origin for the next one.


The following program will plot a pattern of randomly placed coloured squares.


100 REMark Coloured Squares

110 PAPER 7 : CLS

120 FOR sq = 1 TO 100

130   INK RND(1 TO 6)

140   POINT RND(90),RND(90)

150   LINE R 0,0 TO 10,0 TO 0,10 TO -10,0 TO 0,-10

160 END FOR sq


The same result could be achieved entirely with absolute graphics but it would require a little more effort.




If you want to draw a circle you need to specify:


position say 50,50

radius say 40


The statement


CIRCLE 50,50,40


will draw a circle with the centre at position 50,50 and radius (or height) 40 units, see figure:



If you add two more parameters:


e.g.   CIRCLE 50,50,40,.5


You will get an ellipse. The keywords CIRCLE and ELLIPSE are interchangeable.



The height of the ellipse is 40 as before but the horizontal 'radius' is now only 0.5 of the height. The number 0.5 is called the eccentricity. If the eccentricity is 1 you get a circle if it is less than 1 and greater than zero you get an ellipse. If you want to tilt an ellipse you can change the fifth parameter, for example:


CIRCLE 50,50,40,.5,1


This will tilt the ellipse anti-clockwise by one radian, about 57 degrees, as shown in figure




A straight angle is 180 degrees or PI radians, so you can make a pattern of ellipses with the program:


100 FOR rot = 0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/6

110   CIRCLE 50,50,40,0.5,rot

120 END FOR rot


The order of the parameters for a circle or ellipse is:


centre _across, centre_up, height [eccentricity, angle]


The last two parameters are optional and this is indicated by putting them inside square brackets ([ ]).

Write a program which does the following:


1.     Open a window 100x100 at (100,50)

2.     Scale 100 in mode 8

3.     Select black paper and clear window

4.     Make green border 2 units wide

5.     Draw a pattern of six coloured circles.

6.     Close the window


100 REMark pattern

110 MODE 8

120 OPEN #7,scr_100x100a100x50

130 SCALE #7,100,0,0

140 PAPER #7,0 : CLS #7

150 BORDER #7,2,4

160 FOR colour = 1 TO 6

170   INK #7,colour

180   LET rot = 2*PI/colour

190   CIRCLE #7,50,50,30,0.5,rot

200 END FOR colour

210 CLOSE #7


You can get some interesting effects by altering the program. For example try the amendments:


160 FOR colour = 1 TO 100

180 LET rot = colour*PI/50




If you want to draw an arc you need to decide:


starting point

end point

amount of curvature


The first two items are straightforward but the amount of curvature is not so easy. You can do it by drawing accurately or by trial and error but you must decide what angle the arc subtends and then specify the angle in radians. An angle of 1.5 radians would give a sharp bend and a small angle would give a very gentle curvature. Try for example:


ARC 10,50 TO 50,90,1


which gives a moderate curvature in the current INK colour.





You can fill a closed shape with the current INK colour by simply writing:




before the shape is drawn. The following program produces a green circle.




CIRCLE 50,50,30


The FILL command works by drawing touching horizontal lines between suitable points. The statement:




Will turn off the FILL effect.




You can scroll or pan the display in a window like a film cameraman. You arrange scrolling In terms of pixels. A positive number of pixels indicates upwards scrolling, thus




Moves the display in the current window or screen 10 pixels downwards.




Moves the display 8 pixels up. You can add a second parameter to induce part-scrolling.


SCROLL -8, 1


Will scroll the part above (not including) the cursor line and:


SCROLL -8, 2


Will scroll the part below (not including) the cursor line.


As scrolling occurs, the space left by movement of the display is filled with the current Paper colour. A second parameter 0 has no effect.


You can PAN the display in the current window left or right. The PAN statement works In a similar manner to scroll but


Pan 40   moves display right

Pan -40   moves display left


A second parameter gives a partial PAN


0 - whole screen

3 - the whole of the line occupied by the cursor

4 - the right hand side of the line occupied by the cursor. The area of the cursor is also included.


If you are using stipples or are in 8 colour mode then windows must be panned or Scrolled in multiples of 2 pixels.




1.     Write a program which draws a 'Snakes and Ladders' grid of ten rows of ten rows of  ten squares.


2.     Place the numbers 1 to 100 in the squares starting at the bottom left and place F for finish in the last square.


3.     Draw a dartboard on the screen. It should consist of an outer ring which could hold numbers. A 'doubles' ring and 'triples' ring as shown and a centre consisting  of a 'bull's eye' and a ring around it.




Suppose you are a prison governor and you have a new prison block which is called the West Block. It is ready to receive 50 new prisoners. You need to know which prisoner (known by his number) is in which cell. You could give each cell a name but it is simpler to give them numbers 1 to 50.


In a computing simulation we will imagine just 5 prisoners with numbers which we can put in a DATA statement:


Data 50, 37, 86, 41, 32


We set up an array of variables which share the name, west, and are distinguished by a number appended in brackets.



It is necessary to declare an array and give its dimensions with a DIM statement:


DIM west(5)


This enables SuperBASIC to allocate space, which might be a large amount. After the DIM statement has been executed the five variables can be used.


The convicts can be READ from the DATA statement into the five array variables:


FOR cell = 1 TO 5 : READ west (cell)


We can add another FOR loop with a PRINT statement to prove that the convicts are in the cells.



The complete program is shown below:


100 REMark Prisoners

110 DIM west(5)

120 FOR cell 1 = 1 TO 5 : READ west(cell)

130 FOR cell = 1 TO 5 : PRINT cell ! west(cell)

140 DATA 50, 37, 86, 41, 32


The output from the program is:


1 50

2 37

3 86

4 41

5 32


The numbers 1 to 5 are called subscripts if the array name, west. The array west, is a numeric array consisting of five numeric array elements.


You can replace line 130 by:


130 PRINT west


This will output the values only:









The zero at the top of the list appears because subscripts range from zero to the declared number. We will show later how useful the zero elements in arrays can be. Note also that when a numeric array is DIMensioned its elements are all given the value zero.




String arrays are similar to numeric arrays but an extra dimension in the DIM statement specifies the length of each string variable in the array. Suppose that ten of the top players at Royal Birkdale for the 1982 British Golf Championship were denoted by their first names and placed in DATA statements.


DATA "Tom","Graham","Sevvy","Jack","Lee"

DATA "Nick","Bernard","Ben","Gregg","Hal"


You would need ten different variable names, but if there were a hundred or a thousand players the job would become impossibly tedious. An array is a set of variables designed to cope with problems of this kind. Each variable name consists of two parts:


a name according to the usual rules

a numeric part called a subscript


Write the variable names as:




Before you can use the array variables you must tell the system about the array and its dimensions:


DIM flat$(10,8)


This causes eleven (0 to 10) variables to be reserved for use in the program. Each string variable in the array may have up to eight characters. DIM statements should usually be placed all together near the beginning of the program. Once the array has been declared in a DIM statement all the elements of the array can be used. One important advantage is that you can give the numeric part (the subscript) as a numeric variable. You can write:


FOR number = 1 TO 10 : READ flat$(number)


This would place the golfers in their 'flats':



You can refer to the variables in the usual way but remember to use the right subscript. Suppose that Tom and Sevvy wished to exchange flats. In computing terms one of them, Tom say, would have to move into a temporary flat to allow Sevvy time to move. You can write:


LET temp$ = flat$(1) : REMark Tom into temporary

LET flat$(1) = flat$(3) : REMark Sevvy into flat$(1)

LET flat$(3) = temp$ : REMark Tom into flat$(3)


The following program places the ten golfers in an array named flat$ and prints the names of the occupants with their 'flat numbers' (array subscripts) to prove that they are in residence. The occupants of flats 1 and 3 then change places. The list of occupants is then printed again to show that the exchange has occurred.


100 REMark Golfers' Flats

110 DIM flat$(10,8)

120 FOR number = 1 TO 10 : READ flat$(number)

130 printlist

140 exchange

150 printlist

160 REMark End of main program

170 DEFine PROCedure printlist

180 FOR num = 1 TO 10 : PRINT num,flat$(num)

190 END DEFine

200 DEFine PROCedure exchange

210 LET temp$ = f1at$(1)

220 LET flat$(1) = f1at$(3)

230 LET flat$(3) = temp$

240 END DEFine

250 DATA "Tom","Graham","Sevvy","Jack","Lee"

260 DATA "Nick","Bernard","Ben","Greg","Hal"



output (line 130)



output (line 150)



1    Tom

2    Graham

3    Sevvy

4    Jack

5    Lee

6    Nick

7    Bernard

8    Ben

9    Gregg

10  Hal



1    Sevvy

2    Graham

3    Tom

4    Jack

5    Lee

6    Nick

7    Bernard

8    Ben

9    Gregg

10  Hal






Sometimes the nature of a problem suggests two dimensions such as 3 floors of 10 flats rather than just a single row of 30.


Suppose that 20 or more golfers need flats and there is a block of 30 flats divided into three floors of ten f lats each. A realistic method of representing the block would be with a two-dimensional array, You can think of the thirty variables as shown below:



Assuming DATA statements with 30 names, a suitable way to place the names in the flats is:


120 FOR floor = 0 TO 2

130   FOR num = 0 TO 9

140     READ flats$(floor,num)

150   END FOR num

160 END FOR floor


You also need a DIM statement:


20 DIM flat$(2,9,8)


which shows that the first subscript can be from 0 to 2 (floor number) and the second subscript can be from 0 to 9 ( room number). The third number states the maximum number of characters in each array element.


We add a print routine to show that the golfers are in the flats and we use letters to save space.


100 REMark 30 Golfers

110 DIM flat$(2,9,8)

120 FOR floor = 0 TO 2

130   FOR num = 0 TO 9

140     READ flat$(floor,num) : REMark Golfer goes in

150   END FOR num

160 END FOR floor

170 REMark End of input

180 FOR floor = 0 TO 2

190   PRINT "Floor number" ! Floor

200   FOR num = 0 TO 9

210     PRINT 'Flat' ! num ! flat$(floor,num)

220   END FOR num

230 END FOR floor

240 DATA "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"

250 DATA "K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T"

260 DATA "U","V","W","X","Y","Z","@","£","$","%"


The output starts:


Floor number 0

Flat 0 A

Flat 1 B

Flat 2 C


And continues giving the thirty occupants.




You may find this section hard to read though it is essentially the same concept as string slicing. You will probably need string-slicing if you get beyond the learning stage of programming. The need for array-slicing is much rarer and you may wish to omit this section particularly on a first reading.


We now use the golfers' flats to illustrate the concept of array slicing. The flats will be numbered 0 to 9 to keep to single digits and names will be single characters for space reasons.



Given the above values the following are array slices:



Means a single array element with value N

flat$(1,1 TO 6)

Means six elements with values L M N 0 P Q


Array Element
















means flat$(1,0 TO 9)

Ten elements with values K L M N O P Q R S T


In these examples a range of values of a subscript can be given instead of a single value. If a subscript is missing completely the complete range is assumed. In the third example the second subscript is missing and it is assumed by the system to be 0 TO 9.


The techniques of array slicing and string slicing are similar though the latter is more widely applicable.





1.     SORTING


Place ten numbers in an array by reading from a DATA statement. Search the array to find the lowest number. Make this lowest number the value of the first element of a new array. Replace it in the first array with a very large number. Repeat this process making the second lowest number the second value in the new array and so on until you have a sorted array of numbers which should then be printed.




Represent a snakes and ladders game with a 100 element numeric array. Each element should contain either





a number in the range 10 to 90 meaning that a player should transfer to that

number by going 'up a ladder' or 'down a snake'



the digits 1, 2, 3, etc. to denote a particular player's position.


Set up six snakes and six ladders by placing numbers in the array and simulate one 'solo' run by a single player to test the game.





















































Crosswords usually have an odd number of rows or columns in which the black squares have a symmetrical pattern. The pattern is said to have rotational symmetry because rotation through 180 degrees would not change it.

Note that after rotation through 180 degrees the square in row 4, column1 could become the square in row 2, column 5. That is row 4, column 1 becomes row 2, column 5 in a 5 x 5 grid.


Write a program to generate and display a symmetrical pattern of this kind.


4.             Modify the crossword pattern so that there are no sequences, across or down, of less than four white squares.




Cards are denoted by the numbers 1-52 stored in an array. They can be converted easily to actual card values when necessary. The cards should be 'shuffled' as follows.


Choose any position in range 1-51 e.g. 17


Place the card in this position in a temporary store.


Shunt all the cards in positions 52 to 18 down to positions 51 to 17


Place the chosen card from the temporary store to position 52.


Deal similarly with the ranges 1-50, 1-49 .. down to 1-2 so that the pack is well shuffled.


Output the result of the shuffle


6.             Set up six DATA statements each containing a surname, initials and a telephone number (dialling code and local number). Decide on a suitable structure of arrays to store this information and READ it into the arrays.


PRINT the data using a separate FOR loop and explain how the input format (DATA), the internal format (arrays) and output format are not necessarily all the same.




In this chapter we go again over the ground of program structure : loops and decisions or selection. We have tried to present things in as simple a way as possible but SuperBASIC is designed to cope properly with the simple and the complex and all levels in between. Some parts of this chapter are difficult and if you are new to programming you may wish to omit parts. The topics covered are:



Nested loops

Binary decisions

Multiple decisions


The latter parts of the first section, Loops, get difficult as we show how SuperBASIC copes with problems that other languages simply ignore. Skip these parts if you feel so inclined but the other sections are more straightforward.




In this section we attempt to illustrate the well known problems of handling repetition with simulations of some Wild West scenes. The context may be contrived and trivial but it offers a simple basis for discussion and it illustrates difficulties which arise across the whole range of programming applications.




A bandit is holed up in the Old School House. The sheriff has six bullets in his gun. Simulate the firing of the six shots.


Program 1


100 REMark Western FOR

110 FOR bullets = 1 TO 6

120   PRINT "Take aim"

130   PRINT "Fire shot"

140 END FOR bullets


Program 2


100 REMark Western REPeat

110 LET bullets = 6

120 REPeat bandit

130 PRINT "Take aim"

140 PRINT "Fire shot"

150 LET bullets = bullets - 1

160 IF bullets = 0 THEN EXIT bandit

170 END REPeat bandit


Both these programs produce the same output:


Take aim

Fire a shot


Is printed six times


If in each program the 6 is changed to any number down to 1 both programs still work as you would expect. But what if the gun is empty before any shots have been fired?




Suppose that someone has secretly taken all the bullets out of the sheriff's gun. What happens if you simply change the 6 to 0 in each program?


Program 1


100 REMark Western FOR Zero Case

110 FOR bullets = 1 to 0

120   PRINT"Take aim"

130   PRINT "Fire a shot"

140 END FOR bullets


This works correctly. There is no output. The 'zero case' behaves properly in SuperBASIC


Program 2


100 REMark Western REPeat Fails

110 LET bullets = 0

120 REPeat bandit

130   PRINT "Take aim"

140   PRINT "Fire shot"

150   LET bullets = bullets - 1

160   IF bullets = 0 THEN EXIT bandit

170 END REPeat bandit


The program fails in two ways:


1.  Take aim

Fire a shot


Is printed though there were never any bullets


2.     By the time the variable, bullets, is tested in line 160 it has the value -1 and it never becomes zero afterwards. The program loops indefinitely. You can cure the infinite looping by re-writing line 160:


160 IF bullets < 1 THEN EXIT bandit


There is an inherent fault in the programming which does not allow for the possible zero case. This can be corrected by placing the conditional EXIT before the print statements.


Program 3


100 REMark Western REPeat Zero Case

110 LET bullets = 0

120 REPeat Bandit

130   IF bullets = 0 THEN EXIT Bandit

140   PRINT "Take aim"

150   PRINT "Fire shot"

160   LET bullets = bullets - 1

170 END REPeat Bandit


This program now works properly whatever the initial value of bullets as long as it is a positive whole number or zero. Method 2 corresponds to the REPEAT.. UNTIL loop of some languages. Method 3 corresponds to the WHILE....ENDWHILE loop of some languages. However the REPeat.....END REPeat with EXIT is more flexible than either or the combination of both.


If you have used other BASICs you may wonder what has happened to the NEXT statement. We will re-introduce it soon but you will see that both loops have a similar structure and both are named.


FOR name =


END FOR name

(opening keyword)


(closing keyword)

REPeat name


END REPeat name


In addition the REPeat loop must normally have an EXIT amongst the statements or it will never end.


Note also that the EXIT statement causes control to go to the statement which is immediately after the END of the loop.


A NEXT statement may be placed in a loop. It causes control to go to the statement which is just after the opening keyword FOR or REPeat. It should be considered as a kind of opposite to the EXIT statement. By a curious coincidence the two words, NEXT and EXIT,  both contain EXT. Think of an EXTension to loops and:


N means "Now start again"

I means "It's ended"




The situation is the same as in example 1. The sheriff has a gun loaded with six bullets and he is to fire at the bandit but two more conditions apply:


1. If he hits the bandit he stops firing and returns to Dodge City

2. If he runs out of bullets before he hits the bandit, he tells his partner to watch the bandit while he (sheriff) returns to Dodge City


Program 1



In this case, the content between NEXT and END FOR is a kind of epilogue which is only executed if the FOR loop runs its full course. If there is a premature EXIT the epilogue is not executed.


The same effect can be achieved with a REPeat loop though it is not necessarily the best way to do it. However it is worth looking at (perhaps at a second reading) if you want to understand structures which are simple enough to use in simple ways and powerful enough to cope with awkward situations when they arise.


Program 2


100 REMark Western REPeat with Epilogue

110 LET bullets = 6

120 REPeat Bandit

130   PRINT "Take aim"

140   PRINT "Fire shot"

150   LET hit = RND(9)

160   IF hit = 7 THEN EXIT Bandit

170   LET bullets = bullets - 1

180   IF bullets <> 0 THEN NEXT Bandit

190   PRINT "Watch Bandit"

200 END REPeat Bandit

210 PRINT "Return to Dodge City"


The program works properly as long as the sheriff has at least one bullet at the start. It fails if line 20 reads:


110 LET bullets = 0


You might think that the sheriff would be a fool to start an enterprise of this kind if he had no bullets at all, and you would be right. We are now discussing how to preserve good structure in the most complex type of situation. We have at least kept the problem context simple: we know what we are trying to do. Complex structural problems usually arise in contexts more difficult than Wild West simulations. But if you really want a solution to the problem which caters for a possible hit, running out of bullets and an epilogue, and also the zero case then add the following line to the above program:


125 IF bullets = 0 THEN PRINT "Watch Bandit" : EXIT bandit


We can conceive of no more complex type of problem than this with a single loop. SuperBASIC can easily handle it if you want it to.




Consider the following FOR loop which PLOTS a row of points of various randomly chosen colours (not black).


100 REMark Row of pixels

110 PAPER 0 : CLS

120 LET up = 50

130 FOR across = 20 TO 60

140   INK RND(2 TO 7)

150   POINT across,up

160 END FOR across


This program plots a row of points thus:




If you want to get say 51 rows of points you must plot a row for values up from 30 to 80. But you must always observe the rule that a structure can go completely within another or it can go properly around it. It can also follow in sequence, but it cannot 'mesh' with another structure. Books about programming often show how FOR loops can be related with a diagram like:



In SuperBASIC the rule applies to all structures. You can solve all problems using them properly. We therefore treat the FOR loop as an entity and design a new program:


FOR up = 30 TO 80

  FOR across = 20 TO 60

    INK RND(2 TO 7)

    POINT across,up

  END FOR across



When we translate this into a program we are entitled not only to expect it to work but to know what it will do. It will plot a rectangle made up of rows of pixels.


100 REMark Rows of pixels

110 PAPER 0 : CLS

120 FOR up = 30 TO 80

130   FOR across = 20 TO 60

140     INK RND(2 TO 7)

150     POINT across,up

160   END FOR across

170 END FOR up


Different structures may be nested. Suppose we replace the inner FOR loop of the above program by a REPeat loop. We will terminate the REPeat loop when the zero colour code appears for a selection in the range 0 to 7.


100 REMark REPeat in FOR

110 PAPER 0 : CLS

120 FOR up = 30 TO 80

130   LET across = 19

140   REPeat dots

150     LET colour = RND(7)

160     INK colour

170     LET across = across + 1

180     POINT across,up

190     IF colour = 0 THEN EXIT dots

200   END REPeat dots

210 END FOR up


Much of the wisdom about program control and structure can be expressed in two rules:


1.     Construct your program using only the legitimate structures for loops and decision making.


2.     Each structure should be properly related in sequence or wholly within another.




The three types of binary decision can be illustrated easily in terms of what to do when when it rains.


Example 1:

100 REMark Short form IF

110 LET rain = RND(0 TO 1)

120 IF rain THEN PRINT "Open brolly"


Example 2:

100 REMark Long form IF. ..END IF

110 LET rain = RND(0 TO 1)

120 IF rain THEN

130   PRINT "Wear coat"

140   PRINT "Open brolly"

150   PRINT "Walk fast"

160 END IF


Example 3:

100 REMark Long form IF ...ELSE...END IF

110 LET rain = RND(0 TO 1)

120 IF rain THEN

130   PRINT "Take a bus"

140 ELSE

150   PRINT "Walk"

160 END IF

AII these are binary decisions. The first two examples are simple : either something happens or it does not. The third is a general binary decision with two distinct possible courses of action, both of which must be defined.


You can omit THEN in the long forms if you wish. In the short form you can substitute  : for THEN.




Consider a more complex example in which it seems natural to nest binary decisions. This type of nesting can be confusing and you should only do it if it seems the most natural thing to do. Careful attention to layout, particularly indenting, is especially important.


Analyse a piece of text to count the number of vowels, consonants and other characters. Ignore spaces. For simplicity the text is all upper case.







Read in the data

FOR each character:

   IF letter THEN

     IF vowel

       increase vowel count


       increase consonant count

     END IF


     IF not space THEN increase other count



PRINT results


100 REMark Character Counts

110 RESTORE 290

120 READ text$

130 LET vowels = 0 : cons = 0 : others = 0

140 FOR num = 1 TO LEN(text$)

150   LET ch$ = text$(num)

160   IF ch$ >= "A" AND ch$ <= 'Z'

170     IF ch$ INSTR "AEIOU"

180       LET vowels = vowels + 1

190     ELSE

200       LET cons = cons + 1

210     END IF

220   ELSE

230     IF ch$ <> " " THEN others = others + 1

240   END IF

250 END FOR num

260 PRINT "Vowel count is" ! vowels

270 PRINT "Consonant count is" ! cons

280 PRINT "Other count is" ! others





Vowel count is 9

Consonant count is 15

Other count is 4




Where there are three or more possible actions and none is dependant on a previous choice the natural structure to use is SELect which enables selection from any number of possibilities.




A magic snake grows without limit by adding a section to its front. Each section may be up to twenty units long and may be a new colour or it may remain the same. Each new section must grow in one of the directions North, South, East, or West. The snake starts from the centre of the window.




At any time while the snake is still on the screen you choose a random length and ink colour easily. The direction may be selected by a number 1,2,3 or 4 as shown:





Select PAPER

Set snake to centre of window


   Choose direction, colour length of growth

   FOR unit = 1 to growth

      Make snake grow north, south, east or west

      IF snake is off window THEN EXIT


END REpeat

PRINT end message




100 REMark Magic Snake

110 PAPER 0 : CLS

120 LET across = 50 : up = 50

130 REPeat snake

140   LET direction = RND(l TO 4) : colour = RND(2 TO 7)

150   LET growth = RND(2 TO 20)

160   INK colour

170   FOR unit = 1 TO growth

180     SELect ON direction

190       ON direction = 1

200         LET up = up + 1

210       ON direction = 2

220         LET across = across + 1

230       ON direction = 3

240         LET up = up - 1

250       ON direction = 4

260         LET across = across - 1

270     END SELect

280     IF across < 1 OR across > 99 OR up < 1 OR up > 99 : EXIT snake

290     POINT across,up

300   END FOR unit

310 END REPeat snake

320 PRINT "Snake off edge"


The syntax of the SELect ON structure also allows for the possibility of selecting on a list of values such as


5,6,8,10 TO 13


It is also possible to allow for an action to be executed if none of the stated values is found. The full structure is of the form given below.




SELect ON num

ON num = list of values


ON num = list of values










where num is any numeric variable and the REMAINDER clause is optional.




There is a short form of the SELect structure. For example:


100 INPUT num

110 SELect ON num = 0 TO 9 : PRINT "digit"


will perform as you would expect.




1.     Store 10 numbers in an array and perform a 'bubble-sort'. This is done by comparing    the first pair and exchanging, if necessary the second pair (second and third numbers),    up to the ninth pair (ninth and tenth numbers). The first run of nine comparisons and possible exchanges guarantees that the highest number will reach its correct position. Another eight runs will guarantee eight more correct positions leaving only the lowest number which must be in the only (correct) position left. The simplest form of 'bubble sort' of ten numbers requires nine runs of nine comparisons.


2.     Consider ways of speeding up bubblesort, but do not expect that it will ever be very efficient.


3.     An auctioneer wishes to sell an old clock and he has instructions to invite a first bid of £50. If no-one bids he can come down to £40, £30, £20, but no lower, in an effort to start the bidding. If no-one bids, the clock is withdrawn from the sale. When the bidding starts, he takes only £5 increases until the final bid is made. If the final bid is £35 (the 'reserve price') or more, the clock is sold. Otherwise it is withdrawn.


Simulate the auction using the equivalent of a six-sided die throw to start the bidding. A 'six' at any of the starting prices will start it off.


When the bidding has started there should be a three out of four chance of a higher

bid at each invitation.


4.     In a wild west shoot-out the Sheriff has no ammunition and wishes to arrest a gunman camped in a forest. He rides amongst the trees tempting the gunman to fire. He hopes that when six shots have been fired he can rush in and overpower the gunman as he tries to re-load. Simulate the encounter giving the gunman a one-twentieth chance of hitting the Sheriff with each shot. If the Sheriff has not been hit after six shots he will arrest the gunman.


5.     The Sheriff's instructions to his Deputy are:


"If the gun is empty then re-load it and if it ain't then keep on firing until you hit the bandit or he surrenders. If Mexico Pete turns up, get out fast."


Write a program which caters properly for all these situations:


Whatever happens, return to Dodge City

If Mexico Pete turns up, return immediately

If the gun is empty reload it

If the gun is not empty ask the bandit to surrender.

If the bandit surrenders, arrest him.

If he doesn't surrender fire a shot.

If the bandit is hit, arrest him and fix his wound.


Assume an unlimited supply of ammunition Use a simulated 'twenty-sided die' and let a seven mean 'surrender' and a 'thirteen' mean the bandit is hit.




In the first part of this chapter we explain the more straightforward features of SuperBASIC's procedures and functions. We do this with very simple examples so that you can understand the working of each feature as it is described. Though the examples are simple and contrived you will appreciate that, once understood, the ideas can be applied in more complex situations where they really matter.


After the first part there is a discussion which attempts to explain 'Why procedures' . If you understand, more or less, up to that point you will be doing well and you should be able to use procedures and functions with increasing effectiveness.


SuperBASIC first allows you to do the simpler things in simple ways and then offers you more if you want it. Extra facilities and some technical matters are explained in the second part of this chapter but you could omit these, certainly at a first reading, and still be in a stronger position than most users of older types of BASIC.




You have seen in previous chapters how a value can be passed to a procedure. Here is another example.




In "Chan's Chinese Take-Away" there are just six items on the menu.


Rice Dishes


1 prawns

4 ice

2 chicken

5 fritter

3 special

6 lychees


Chan has a simple way of computing prices. He works in pence and the prices are:


for a rice dish

300 + 10 times menu number

for a sweet

12 times menu number


Thus a customer who ate special rice and an ice would pay:


300 + 10 * 3 + 12 * 4 = 378 pence


A procedure, item, accepts a menu number as a value parameter and prints the cost.




100 REMark Cost of Dish

110 item 3

120 item 4

130 DEFine PROCedure item(num)

140   IF num <= 3 THEN LET price = 300 + 10*num

150   IF num >= 4 THEN LET price = 12*num

160   PRINT ! price !

170 END DEFine




330 48


In the main program actual parameters 3 and 4 are used. The procedure definition has a formal parameter num, which takes the value passed to it from the main program. Note that the formal parameters must be in brackets, but that actual parameters need not be.




Now suppose the working variable, "price", was also used in the main program, meaning something else, say the price of a glass of lager 70p. The following program fails to give the desired result.


100 REMark Global price

110 LET price = 70

120 item 3

130 item 4

140 PRINT ! price !

150 DEFine PROCedure item(num)

160   IF num <= 3 THEN LET price = 300 + 10*num

170   IF num >= 4 THEN LET price = 12*num

180   PRINT ! price !

190 END DEFine




330 48 48



The price of the lager has been altered by the procedure. We say that the variable, price, is global because it can be used anywhere in the program.


Make the procedure variable, price, LOCAL to the procedure. This means that SuperBASIC will treat it as a special variable accessible only within the procedure. The variable, "price", in the main program will be a different thing even though it has the same name.


100 REMark LOCAL price

110 LET price = 70

120 item 3

130 item 4

140 PRINT ! price !

150 DEFine PROCedure item(num)

160   LOCaL price

170   IF num <= 3 THEN LET price = 300 + 10*num

180   IF num >= 4 THEN LET price = 12*num

190   PRINT ! price !

200 END DEFine




330 48 70


This time everything works properly. Line 70 causes the procedure variable, price to be internally marked as 'belonging' only to the procedure, item. The other variable, price is not affected. You can see that local variables are useful things.




Local variables are so useful that we automatically make procedure formal parameters local. Though we have not mentioned it before parameters such as num in the above programs cannot interfere with main program variables. To prove this we drop the LOCAL statement from the above program and use num for the price of lager. Because num in the procedure is local everything works.




100 REMark LOCAL parameter

110 LET num = 70

120 item 3

130 item 4

140 PRINT ! num !

150 DEFine PROCedure item(num)

160   IF num <= 3 THEN LET price = 300 + 10*num

170   IF num >= 4 THEN LET price = 12*num

180   PRINT ! price !

190 END DEFine




330 48 70




So far we have only used procedure parameters for passing values to the procedure. But suppose the main program wants the cost of an item to be passed back so that it can compute the total bill. We can do this easily by providing another parameter in the procedure call. This must be a variable because it has to receive a value from the procedure. We therefore call it a variable parameter and it must be matched by a corresponding variable parameter in the procedure definition.




Use actual variable parameters, cost_1 and cost_2 to receive the values of the variable price from the procedure. Make the main program compute and print the total bill.




100 REMark Variable parameter

110 LET num = 70

120 item 3,cost_1

130 item 4,cost_2

140 LET bill = num + cost_1 + cost_2

150 PRINT bill

160 DEFine PROCedure item(num,price)

170   IF num <= 3 THEN LET price = 300 + 10*num

180   IF num >= 4 THEN LET price = 12*num

190 END DEFine






The parameters num and price are both automatically local so there can be no problems. The diagrams show how information passes from main program to procedure and back.



That is enough about procedures and parameters for the present.




You already know how a system function works. For example the function:



computes the value, 3, which is the square root of 9. We say the function returns the value 3. A function, like a procedure, can have one or more parameters, but the distinguishing feature of a function is that it returns exactly one value. This means that you can use it in expressions that you already have. You can type:




and get the output 6. Thus a function behaves like a procedure with one or more value parameters and exactly one variable parameter holding the returned value: that variable parameter is the function name itself.


The parameters need not be numeric.




has a string argument but it returns the numeric value 6.




Re write the program of the last section which used price as a variable parameter. Let price be the name of the function.


The value to be returned is defined by the RETurn statement as shown.




100 REMark FuNction with RETurn

110 LET num = 70

120 LET bill = num + price(3) + price(4)

130 PRINT bill

140 DEFine FuNction price(num)

150   IF num <= 3 THEN RETurn 300 + 10*num

160   IF num >= 4 THEN RETurn 12*num

170 END DEFine






Notice the simplification in the calling of functions as compared with procedure calls.




The ultimate concept of a procedure is that it should be a 'black box' which receives specific information from 'outside' and performs certain operations which may include sending specific information back to the 'outside: The 'outside' may be the main program or another procedure.


The term 'black box' implies that its internal workings are not important: you only think about what goes in and what comes out. If for example, a procedure uses a variable, count and changes its value, that might affect a variable of the same name in the main program. Think of a mail order company You send them an order and cash: they send you goods. Information is sent to a procedure and it sends back action and/or new information.



You do not want the mail order company to use your name and address or other information for other purposes. That would be an unwanted side-effect. Similarly you do not want a procedure to cause unplanned changes to values of variables used in the main program.


Of course you could make sure that there are no double uses of variable names in a program. That will work up to a point but we have shown in this chapter how to avoid trouble even if you forget what variables have been used in any particular procedure.


A second aim in using procedures is to make a program modular Rather than have one long main program you can break the job down into what Seymour Papert, the inventor of LOGO, calls 'Mind-sized bites'. These are the procedures, each one small enough to understand and control easily. They are linked together by the procedure calls in a sequence or hierarchy.


A third aim is to avoid writing the same code twice. Write it once as a procedure and call it twice if necessary. Functions and procedures written for one program can often be directly used, without change, by other programs, and one might create a library of commonly used procedures and functions.


We give below another example which shows how procedures make a program modular.




An order is placed for six dishes at Chan's Take Away where the menu is:


Item Number













Write procedures for the following tasks.


1.     Set up two three-element arrays showing menu, dishes and prices. Use a DATA statement.


2.     Simulate an order for six randomly chosen dishes using a procedure, choose, and make a tally of the number of times each dish is chosen.


3.     Pass the three numbers to a procedure, waiter, which passes back the cost of the order to the main program using a parameter cost. Procedure waiter calls two other procedures, compute and cook, which compute the cost and simulate "cooking"


4.     The procedure, cook, simply prints the number required and the name of each dish.


The main program should call procedures as necessary, get the total cost from procedure, waiter add 10% for a tip, and print the amount of the total bill.




This program illustrates parameter passing in a fairly complex way and we will explain the program step by step before putting it together.


100 REMark Procedures

110 RESTORE 490

120 DIM item$(3,7),price(3),dish(3)

130 REMark *** PROGRAM ***

140 LET tip = 0.1

150 set_up



210 DEFine PROCedure set_up

220   FOR k = 1 TO 3

230      READ item$(k)

240      READ price(k)

250   END FOR k

260 END DEFine




490 DATA "Prawns", 3.5, "Chicken", 2.8, "Special" ,3.3


The names of menu items and their prices are placed in the arrays item$ and price.


The next step is to choose a menu number for each of the six customers. The tally of the number of each dish required will be kept in the array dish.


160 choose dish




270 DEFine PROCedure choose(dish)

280   FOR pick = 1 TO 6

290     LET number = RND(1 TO 3)

300     LET dish(number) = dish(number) + 1

310   END FOR pick

320 END DEFine


Note that the formal parameter dish is both:


local to procedure choose

an array in main program


The three values are passed back to the global array also called dish. These values are then passed to the procedure waiter.


170 waiter dish, bill



330 DEFine PROCedure waiter (dish, cost)

340   compute dish,cost

350   cook dish

360 END DEFine


The waiter passes the information about the number of each dish required to the procedure, compute, which computes the cost and returns it.


370 DEFine PROCedure compute(dish, total)

380   LET total = 0

390   FOR k = 1 to 3

400     LET total = total + dish(k)*price(k)

410   END FOR k

420 END DEFine


The waiter also passes information to the cook who simply prints the number required for each menu item.


430 DEFine PROCedure cook(dish)

440   FOR c = 1 TO 3

450     PRINT ! dish(c) ! item$(c) !

460   END FOR c

470 END DEFine


Again, the array dish in the procedure cook is local. It receives the information which the procedure uses in its PRINT statement.


The complete program is listed below.


100 REMark Procedures

110 RESTORE 490

120 DIM item$(3,7),price(3),dish(3)

130 REMark *** PROGRAM ***

140 LET tip = 0.1

150 set_up

160 choose dish

170 waiter dish,bill

180 LET bill = bill + tip*bill

190 PRINT "Total cost is £" ; bill


210 DEFine PROCedure set_up

220   FOR k = 1 TO 3

230     READ item$(k)

240     READ price(k)

250   END FOR k

260 END DEFine

270 DEFine PROCedure choose(dish)

280   FOR pick = 1 TO 6

290     LET number = RND(1 TO 3)

300     LET dish(number) = dish(number) + 1

310   END FOR pick

320 END DEFine

330 DEFine PROCedure waiter(dish,cost)

340   compute dish,cost

350   cook dish

360 END DEFine

370 DEFine PROCedure compute(dish,total)

380   LET total = 0

390   FOR k = 1 TO 3

400     LET total = total + dish(k)*price(k)

410   END FOR k

420 END DEFine

430 DEFine PROCedure cook(dish)

440   FOR c = 1 TO 3

450     PRINT ! dish(c) ! item$(c)

460   END FOR c

470 END DEFine

480 REMark *** PROGRAM DATA ***

490 DATA "Prawns",3.5,"Chicken",2.8,"Special",3.3


The output depends on the random choice of dishes but the following choice illustrates  the pattern, and gives a sample of output.


3 Prawns

1 Chicken

2 Special

Total cost is £20.40




Obviously the use of procedures and parameters in such a simple program is necessary but imagine that each sub-task might be much more complex. In such a situation the use of procedures would allow a modular build-up of the program with testing at each stage. The above example merely illustrates the main notations and relationships of procedures.


Similarly the next example illustrates the use of functions.


Note that in the previous example the procedures "waiter" and "compute" both return exactly one value. Rewrite the procedures as functions and show any other changes necessary as a consequence.


DEFine FuNction waiter(dish)

  cook dish

  RETurn compute(dish)


DEFine FuNction compute(dish)

  LET total = 0

  FOR k = 1 TO 3

    LET total = total + dish(k) * price(k)


RETurn total



The function call to waiter also takes a different form


LET bill = waiter(dish)


This program works as before. Notice that there are fewer parameters though the program structure is similar. That is because the function names are also serving as parameters retuning information to the source of the function call.




All the variables used as formal parameters in procedures or functions are 'safe' because they are automatically local. Which variables used in the procedures or functions are not local? What additional statements would be needed to make them local?


Program Changes


The variables k, pick and num are not local. The necessary changes to make them so are:



LOCAL pick,num




Formal parameters do not have any type. You may prefer that a variable which handles numbers has the appearance of a numeric variable and which handles strings looks like a string variable, but however you write your parameters they are typeless. To prove it, try the following program.




100 REMark Number or word

110 waiter 2

120 waiter "Chicken"

130 DEFine PROCedure waiter(item)

140   PRINT ! item !

150 END DEFine




2 Chicken


The type of the parameter is determined only when the procedure is called and an actual parameter 'arrives'.




Consider the following program and try to consider what two numbers will be output.


100 REMark scope

110 LET number = 1

120 test

130 DEFine PROCedure test

140   LOCal number

150   LET number = 2

160   PRINT number

170   try

180 END DEFine

190 DEFine PROCedure try

200   PRINT number

210 END DEFine


Obviously the first number to be printed will be 2 but is the variable number in line 200 global?


The answer is that the value of number in line 160 will be carried into the procedure try. A variable which is local to a procedure will be the same variable in a second procedure called by the first.


Equally if the procedure try is called by the main program, the variable number will be the same number in both the main program and procedure, try. The implications may seem strange at first but they are logical.


1.     The variable number in line 110 is global.


2.     The variable number in procedure "test" is definitely local to the procedure.


3.     The variable number in procedure "try" 'belongs' to the part of the program which was the last call to it.


We have covered many concepts in this chapter because SuperBASIC functions and procedures are very powerful. However you should not expect to use all these features immediately. Use procedures and functions in simple ways at first. They can be very effective and the power is there if you need it.




1.     Six employees are identified by their surnames only. Each employee has a particular pension fund rate expressed as a percentage. The following data represent the total salaries and pension fund rates of the six employees.





















Write procedures to:


input the data into arrays.

compute the actual pension fund contributions.

output the lists of names and computed contributions.


Link the procedures with a main program calling them in sequence.


2.     Write a function select with two arguments range and miss. The function should return a random whole number in the given range but it should not be the value of miss.


Use the function in a program which chooses a random PAPER colour and then draws random circles in random INK colours so that none is in the colour of PAPER.


3.     Re-write the solution to exercise 1 so that a function pension takes salary and contribution rate as arguments and returns the computed pension contribution. Use two procedures, one to input the data and one to output the required information using the function pension.


4.     Write the following:


a procedure which sets up a 'pack of cards'.


a procedure which shuffles the cards.


a function which takes a number as an argument and returns a string value describing the card.


a procedure which 'deals' and displays four poker hands of five cards each.


a main program which calls the above procedures.


(see chapter 16 for discussion of a similar problem)





In this final chapter we present some applications of concepts and facilities already discussed and we show how some further ideas may be applied.




It is easy to store and manipulate "playing cards" by representing them with the numbers 1 to 52. This is how you might convert such a number to the equivalent card. Suppose, for example, that the number 29 appears. You may decide that:


cards 1-13 are hearts

cards 14-26 are clubs

cards 27-39 are diamonds

cards 40 52 are spades


and you will know that 29 means that you have a "diamond". You can program the QL to do this with:


LET suit = (card-1) DIV 13


This will produce a value in the range 0 to 3 which you can use to cause the appropriate suit to be printed. The value can be reduced to the range 1 to 13 by writing:


LET value = card MOD 13

IF value = 0 THEN LET value = 13

