Text Files

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Last Updated: 22/05/16

Assorted text files, which don't fit anywhere else on this website. These may have appeared in QL PD collections, for example, making that the only real reason they are included here (i.e. preservation).

AlmostHistory.zip - A comical text file containing children's versions of how history got it wrong (6K)

Assortment.zip - Assorted text files in ASCII format. Most are humorous. A text file viewer is included. (193K)

ClassicTV.zip - Classic TV Text. A collection of ASCII text files detailing classic science fiction on TV. Includes Battlestar Galactica (original series), Blakes 7, Dr Who, The Outer Limits, and The Twilight Zone. (27K)

CulinaryHerb.zip - A frequently asked questions file about culinary herbs. Full of recipes and growing hints. v1.05 (76K)

DeathBed.zip - Death Bed Sayings is a text file of the final words of the famous. (3K)

Diet.zip - A text file showing the calories, fat etc of normal foods (10K)

ERdictionary.zip - Do you watch the TV program ER? Have you ever wondered about the medical jargon? Well, find out what it all means with this text file. (16K)

Maastricht.zip - The controversial Maastricht Treaty in its entirety. In ASCII format complete with a text viewer (QED). Ideal bedtime reading! (127K)

MagnaCarta.zip - An English translation of King John's best known works. Magna Carta means "the Great Charter" and dates back to theyear 1215. (11K)

Nostradamus.zip - The Prophecies of Nostradmus. A text file of the predictions of Nostradamus for the late 20th century. (Mike Brown) (7K)

Popes95XmasSpeech.zip - The Popes Christmas 1995 Speech. An ASCII text file. (3K)

Quotes.zip - famous and not so famous quotes (10K)

Star Trek Reference - a two disk set of text files covering the original Star Trek, Next Generation and DS9, together with a front end of B0-Peep by Ian Bruntlett, which allows you to wander around the text files.
Download Disk 1 - zipped file (238K)
Download Disk 2 - zipped file (238K)

Voyager.zip - Star Trek: Voyager episode guide (50K)

Xfiles.zip - An ASCII listing of the episodes of the popular TV show "X-Files" (18K)

Z88SourceBook.zip - The Z88 Source Book. An ASCII text file that is a good reference on the Z88, how to interface it with the world, what products are available, and what dealers carry them.  It is not designed to be a replacement for the Z88 User Guide, but as a supplement to it, filling in areas not covered by the User Guide. (18K) [22/05/16]

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