FILE HEADERS QDOS file headers consist of a 64 byte file data block in the directory. Filenames can be up to 36 characters long (not including the drive name). Executable files have file type 1 and an associated dataspace value, while ordinary data files (including BASIC programs) are file type 0 OFFSET LENGTH DESCRIPTION $00 long file length (in bytes) (decimal 0) $04 byte file access key (not implemented on original QLs) (decimal 4) $05 byte file type (decimal 5) 0=a data file or SuperBASIC program 1=an executable file 2=SROFF relocatable object file 255=directory 3=Thor directory 4=font file in 'The Painter' 5=pattern file in The Painter 6=4 colour mode compressed picture in The Painter 11=8 colour mode compressed picture in The Painter $06 8 bytes if file type is an executable file (type 1), the first long (decimal 6) word contains the default dataspace size of the program in bytes. The two long words here contain file type-dependent information $0E word length of filename (decimal 14) $10 36 bytes characters of the filename (decimal 16) $34 long file update date (decimal 52) $38 long file reference date (decimal 56) $3C long file backup date (decimal 60) SERIAL PORTS If a file is sent with header over a pure serial link, it is preceded by a byte value $FF (decimal 255), followed by the first 14 bytes of the file header, according to the QL Technical Guide (see details of FS.HEADS trap #3, d0=$46 (page 101)